While they were waiting for their tour Osamu and his wife went to a restaurant to eat. The service was slow and they had to be on time to get their optional tour. He wanted to tell the waitress something but she was ignoring them. Sometimes, American service is very slow. They may take their time unless you tell them you are in a hurry. It’s all right for you to tell them that. They will not get offended. You should ask your waitress because they have certain areas that they have to take care of. You should tell the waitress your situation before you order. If you are at a place where there is a long line, you won’t be able to get fast service so you should just leave and go to another place. If we are with friends we will eat together and then have a little time to talk. If we don’t have time to stay, we will apologize by saying this: “We’re sorry to eat and run, but we have an appointment.” “Eat and Run” means eat and then leave right away without talking to people and spending time with them.
アメリカのレストランでは、多くの場合、各ウエイターはそれぞれ自分の担当するエリアを持っています。自分のエリアのお客様に気持ちの良いサービスを提供することで、より多くのチップを受け取ることになります。確実な方法は、まず注文を受けてくれたウエイターを見つけることです。きっと納得のいく応対をしてくれるものと思います。 より大切なことは、事前に自分の要望、状態を明確に伝えることかと思います。以心伝心以上に、正確で心にかなった応対が期待できるものと思います。
Excuse me, our tour bus is leaving soon and we’re in a rush.
We are in a rush, could you bring our food as soon as possible?
We are in a hurry, could you put a rush on that?