Osamu and his wife went to a nice restaurant with a view for a breakfast buffet. Both of his hands were full when he finished getting his food. There was a long line that he had to get through to get to his table. Osamu didn’t know what to say so he just stood there. Finally, the lady stopped talking to her friend and noticed him. Then she let him through. When walking through a line of people, you should say, Excuse me, can I get through? People are nice and will let you through. Sometimes if you just stand there, they will move but sometimes they are not paying attention so you have to speak up.
人の注意を喚起する際の丁寧な表現として、/Excuse me./と言うのが一般的です。この表現は肩がすれ違った時などにも、「ちょっと失礼」、あるいは、「ごめんなさい」といったように軽い気持ちで使われます。さわやかで適切な人間関係を保つための潤滑油的な言葉です。「すみません、ちょっと通してください。」という気持ちを伝える場合にも、ただ単に/Excuse me./と言えば十分です。しかし、話しかけられた人が順番待ちをしながら、仲間の人達と話しに夢中になっている時など、/Excuse me./と言っただけでは、あなたが何を望んでいるのか、にわかに察し切れないこともありましょう。そんな時、/Can I get through?/「ちょっと通して下さい」といった表現を加えると、よりスムーズに気持ちが伝わることと思います。
Excuse me, Can I get through?
Excuse me, May I pass through?