Osamu took a taxi but felt nervous about catching one because of a bad experience on the mainland. He didn’t trust them because they cheated him before. They gave him back the wrong change. He only had 20 and 100 dollar bills. He started to worry if they would shortchange him. After that, he couldn’t enjoy the scenery from the taxi window. Tipping is common practice in America. If anyone has done a service for you, you should tip. It’s a common courtesy. You should tip bellboys, waiters, waitresses, taxi drivers, valet boys, hairdressers. Even for some Americans it is awkward to give a big bill to the person. There’s a fear that they will think they are getting a big tip. It’s better to have a few dollars ready if you want to avoid this situation. You have to think ahead of time. When getting change- “Could I get a few dollar bills?”
Can I change this for smaller bills?
Can you please give me change in ones?
May I have my change in one dollar bills?