The other day, Osamu went to dinner with his friend's family. Near the entrance of the restaurant, there were no hostess to seat them. There were only some groups of people standing around. They were just chatting. Osamu was impatient because they had to wait a while. So they peeked into the dining area. They didn't see anyone so they went inside and seated themselves. Osamu felt that the people at the entrance were giving them dirty looks. Americans tend to be more outspoken and will mention their preferences and dislikes. It’s not uncommon to asks for a special table by the window. You might get the table or it might be reserved. We have the saying “ It doesn’t hurt to try.” At a fancy restaurant, you wouldn’t seat yourself. Only at a casual one. If your friend has gone before you, you can say: “I think my friend is inside. May I go look for him?” Then you can go look for them.
ファースト・フード・レストラン以外では、通常以下のような表示があります。(ご案内するまで)席に付くのをお待ち下さい。/Please wait to be seated./そうでない場合には、ご自由にお着き下さい。/Please seat yourself./ホステスとの会話に必要な会話例をあげてみましょう。ちなみに日本で使われるいわゆるホステスの語は、cocktail waitress (hostess) を使います。
May we seat ourselves?
May we have a table near the window (ocean)?
Can we sit at that table over there?
How long do we have to wait?