Osamu and his wife went out to eat. His wife looked at the menu and was unsure about what to order. Finally, she decided on what she wanted. Then she gave her order to the waitress. Right after she ordered, she happened to look over at the table next to them. The couple was eating something that looked really delicious. When she saw their food, she had second thoughts about what she had ordered. She wanted to change her order. Osamu had a hard time appeasing his wife not to change her order because she had already ordered. If you change your mind immediately after you order, it's ok to change. Of course, if you wait 10 or 15 minutes, it might be too late because they have already started cooking it.
メニューを見ただけでは、具体的な料理の姿を思い浮かべられない場合もあります。折角のお食事、思い切って、ウェイトレスに注文の変更を申し出みて下さい。I haven’t put your order in yet./注文は、まだ調理場に通していません/からと、気持ちよく変更に応じてくれるかもしれません。
Is it too late to change my order?
Can I change my order?
Could you tell me what those people over there are having?
I will try it.
Can I order the same dish as those people over there?