At the shopping center, Osamu went to the restroom and washed his hands. Then he noticed that someone forgot their attache case. Osamu wanted to follow him and give it to him but he hesitated because he didn't want to get into trouble. He didn't want to be holding onto someone else's stuff and be accused of stealing. Then Osamu left it in the restroom but he felt down about it all day. If you see someone leave something behind, you should run after them and try to return it. You can say: "Did you lose this? or Is this yours? You should be honest. Some people are not honest and try to keep whatever they find. There's a sayingthat goes like this: "Finders, keepers, losers, weepers." This means that if you find anything, you can keep it. And that people who find things are the winners. If no one claims the item, you can keep it. You may sound greedy trying to claim something, but some people do. Here's a sentence you can use: "If no one claims it, may I have it? My number is 390-9098 and my name is Sally Jud."
異国の土地で予期せぬトラブルや、あらぬ疑いをかけられたくないという気持ちも分かります。しかし、遺失物取扱所などに届けてあげるのも楽しい思いで作りになるかもしれません。途中で持ち主が貴方を見つければ、「持ち主を探しているところでした」/I was trying to find the owner.あるいは、「遺失物取扱所へ届けるところでした」/I was just on my way to the lost and found department.と答えて下さい。ちなみに、briefcaseのことを、日本語ではアタッシュ・ケースattachecaseという場合が多いと思います。私達は滅多に使いません。
Where is the lost and found department?
Do you have a lost and found department?
How can I get there?
I found this in the men’s room.