Osamu and his wife went to a Chinese restaurant for dinner. They were very hungry because they went shopping and sight-seeing all day. They talked about what to order but when they were served, they realized that it was too much for them to eat. They wanted to get a take out box so they asked the waitress for a doggie box. They felt uneasy because she giggled even though she understood what they said. It is common in America to take home any leftovers that you can't eat. People have an idea that if you pay for something, it's yours. The restaurants have containers to put leftovers in. At some fancy restaurants, the waiter/waitress will wrap your food in aluminum foil. Then they will use that foil to make shapes of animals. It's a lot of fun. The only time when it's wrong and shameful to take food home is when you are at a buffet. Containers are free except sometimes Chinese restaurants will make you pay. This is only if you have a lot of food to take home. It's maybe quarter 10 to 25 cents for a container.
夕食に中華レストランへ行きました。一日中、観光やショッピングをして歩き回ったので、空腹のあまり家内とあれこれ相談しながら注文したら、二人では食べ切れない程の料理がテーブルに並びました。帰りがけに持ち帰り用の折箱を頼もうと、ウエイトレスに、Doggie box, please と言いました。彼女は意味は分かったものの、何かクスクスと笑ったのが気にかかりました。
レストランで Doggie box と言った場合、ウエイトレスはそれが Doggie bag であることを察してくれます。しかし、少し滑稽な感じで耳に入ってくるのも事実です。レストラン以外の会話では、cat box 等を連想することが多いからです。 cat box というのは、kitty litterという砂状のものを敷いた小さな箱です。この kitty litter はスーパー・マーケットなどで簡単に購入することができます。猫たちはそれをトイレに使います。そうそう、Doggie box と聞いた時、犬小屋を連想する人もいました。
May I have a doggie bag?
Can we take this home?
May I have a take out box, please?
Can I get a box for this?
Can you box this up for me?