Different kinds of people ride together in the elevator. American people will kindly ask you what floor you are going to. Even though you don't understand everything they say, you still feel comfortable. Osamu would like to ask someone this question once when he rides in the elevator. In the elevator, people tend to be shy. But it's not uncommon for some people to smile or make some sort of comment. If you don't understand what they are saying, don't just smile. You should say: "What did you say?" or "Could you say that again?"
異国の土地で何気ない心配りに出会った時、ほっとするような、嬉しいような気持ちになりますね。エレベーターの中では、こんな会話があったのでしょう。/手がふさがているようですね!何階へ行かれますか?/You look like you have your arms full. May I help you? What floor are you going to?/関連する表現例をあげてみましょう。
What floor are you going to?
Which (or what) floor?
Sixteenth floor please.
Can I have the sixteenth floor please.
Are you going up?
Are you going down?