Osamu and his wife went to buy a blouse. His wife quickly found something she liked. But Osamu advised her to look around some more. They did but she didn’t find anything she liked. Then they went back to the place where she found the first blouse. But someone had bought it. Then Osamu regretted giving her that advice when he saw her sad face.
Could I put these on hold? is another phrases to use. They will usually tell you how long they will hold it for. If not, you can say: “How long can you hold it?” Some stores will let you hold it for a day or two. Usually they will hold it. The salespeople like you to buy something right away. Small stores don’t like it if you hold something- they depend on commission so they want to make a fast sale. They know you might find something better elsewhere. Large department store clerks don’t really care.
Can you hold these for me?
I want to try them on later.
Please don’t ring this up yet.
I’m going to look around some more.
Could you hold these for me for a while?
I can’t decide and I’ll be back later.