Osamu thought that one of the benefits of staying in a condominum was being able to drink Kona coffee in a comfortable room with a great view. He felt so comfortable that he forgot he was in a hotel room. Furthermore, there are few cafes in America so he couldn’t go to them. So it was good to taste coffee in his room. While he was enjoying his coffee, he spilt some on the carpet. He used a towel to quickly wipe it up but there was a big stain. And he couldn’t get it out easily.
If you make a stain, you should tell whoever is in charge. They will have to get the carpet professionally cleaned and you will be charged for it. You can apologize by saying: “I’m really sorry but I accidentally spilled coffee on the carpet.” “I’ll pay for any damage.”
うっかりして食べ物などをカーペットにこぼしてしまうことは、よくあることですね。スーパーに行けばカーペット用として、シミ取りスプレーなどを売っています。意外と簡単に取れます。例えば、スプレー式の場合には、シミのついた箇所に吹き付け、しばらく放置して乾いてから固形化した物質などを掃除機で吸い取る必要があります。掃除機が部屋に常備されていない場合には、掃除機を貸して下さい。/May I borrow your vacuum cleaner? と管理人に尋ねて下さい。関連する表現例をあげます。
I spilled coffee on the carpet and now it’s stained.
Do you have any stain removers for carpets?
Do you carry any stain removers for carpets?