Osamu and his wife were in a crowded bus. A kind person gave his wife a seat so his wife was enjoying the view. But Osamu was worried about getting off because there were so many people. So he didn't enjoy the bus ride. Most people will be polite and step aside for you to pass by. People have this problem all the time. Osamu was not alone in his thinking. When you get near to your stop people move closer to the door. If the door starts to close, you should yell out, "Hold the door!" or "Stop!"
混み合ったバスの中、また、エレベーターの中などで、「降ります!」などと大声を出すことは気恥ずかしいことかも知れませんね。しかし、無言で人を押しのけたり、人の身体に触れることは失礼なことです。人に動いてもらう際には、Excuse me. と言うことで充分ですが、さらに積極的に自分の意思を伝えたい場合の表現例もあげてみましょう。
「降ります。」 (バスの中で)
Excuse me, this is my stop.
Excuse me, I have to get off.
「降ります。」 (エレベーターの中で)
Excuse me, this is my floor.
Excuse me, I’m getting off here.