Osamu and his wife went to the department store. His wife found a nice blouse and she tried it on. But there was a stain on the sleeve. His wife was disappointed that something was wrong with it because she really liked it. They thought there wasn't another blouse so he wanted to ask if they had another one. But he didn't know the correct English. If they were in Japan they could negotiate a discount and talk to saleperson but in a foreign land they couldn't. So they finally just left the store without the blouse.
百貨店などでいろいろ探し回り、折角、見つけたブラウスにほころびがあったり (It has a rip.)、ボタンがとれていたり (The buttons are missing.)、あるいは、誰かが試着した時につけたのでしょうか、口紅がついている (It has a lipstick stain on it.)こともあります。そんな時、店員さんにまず同じものがあるかどうか尋ねます。そして在庫がない場合には、キズのある部分を指摘して、値引きを尋ねます。もっとも、セールの商品は、キズ物として既に値引きされているかも知れません。表現例をあげてみましょう。
Do you have any more blouses like this?
This blouse has 2 bottons missing.
Do you think I could get a discount?