When Osamu and his wife went to restaurants, the waitress would usually say "Are you finished?" But at one restaurant, she didn't ask that and just started to clean the table. They felt strange because she was smiling and cleaning without saying anything. They wanted to enjoy eating their french fries but she was cleaning the table before they left.
ウエイトレスは、ふつう食事が終わったかどうかを確認するものと思います。(Are you finished?/Can I take your plate?) しかし、時に早とちりしてテーブルを片付けにかかる人もいます。私の友人には、このようなとっさの出来事に対して、フォークでお皿を押さえにかかったという笑えぬ話もありました。
I’m not finished yet.
I’m not done yet.
I’m still wroking on it.