Osamu had many experiences of calling to make reservations using poor English. They put him on hold many times and then cut him off. Then he had to call them again but he didn't know how to explain what had just happened. He wanted to complain but he couldn't. It's difficult to communicate on the phone because you can't see gestures or body language.
電話では相手の顔やまわりの様子が分からない分、待たされる時間が長く感じられるものです。いくつか表現例をあげてみましょう。その他に、回線の具合がおかしくて雑音が入る場合(There is a lot of static.)、相手の声が小さくて聞き取りにくい場合(Your voice is too soft.)などもよくあることでしょう。そんな場合には、黙って切るのではなく、電話を切ります/I’m going to hang up. とか、もう一度かけ直します/I’ll call you back. などと断わる方が丁寧だと思います。
I called a few minutes ago and got cut off.
I was put on hold and got cut off.
I was waiting for Mrs. Smith and got cut off.