I wanted to know if flight 54 from Japan is arriving on time. Osamu went to the airport to pick up his friend. He arrived a little late and got confused. He saw some flight attendents coming off a plane. He wanted to ask if they were from China Airlines but he didn’t know what to say. He wandered around the airport for a while and then finally found his friend. He thought it would be easier to ask someone something. If you see a flight attendent you can say: Is this China Airlines, flight #4? or Were you on China Airlines, flight #5? If you are not sure if it arrived, you should say: “Has China Airlines flight 63, arrived yet?” Remember that if you are going to pick up someone from the airport, you should call the airlines before you leave. Sometimes the flight is delayed, or in rare cases it arrives early. When you call the airlines, you should say: Hello, I wanted to know if flight 63 (from Japan) is arriving on time. JAL: Chief Purser United: Chief Purser Northwest: Lead flight attendent Continental: Didn’t know American: Premium flight attendent
Hello, I wanted to know if flight 18 (from Japan) is arriving on time.
Excuse me, do you know if China Airlines flight #18 has arrived yet?
Is this China Airline, flight #18?
Were you on China Airlines, flight #18?