A frosty night, by Yoko K
やまびこに みせられいぬなく しもよかな
A frosty night
Charmed by echoes
A dog barks

やまびこに みせられいぬなく しもよかな
A frosty night
Charmed by echoes
A dog barks
Raindrops bore holes in rocks
Japanese Proverb
If you've ever felt powerless to do something or makes a difference, take heart! Even drops of water falling off the eaves of a house, one by one, can bore a hole in a rock if given enough time. Amadare ishi o ugatsu conjures up just such an image. Even something with little power can achieve great things with a little perseverance.
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Japanese Proverb

If you've ever felt powerless to do something or makes a difference, take heart! Even drops of water falling off the eaves of a house, one by one, can bore a hole in a rock if given enough time. Amadare ishi o ugatsu conjures up just such an image. Even something with little power can achieve great things with a little perseverance.
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Ungrateful kid, by Allison H
私が、まだ子供の頃、母は私に毛布と人形の服を縫ってくれました。 しかし、私は感謝しませんでした。私は、お店で買ったものが 欲しかったのです。今、思い返してみると、本当に悔やまれます。 母は、何時間もかけて、心を込めて縫ってくれたはずです。 人形の服も毛布も、残念ながらもうありません。整理の好きな母が、 人にあげてしまったのだと思います。取り戻すことが出来るなら、 取り戻したいです。そして、可能なら、時間を巻き戻して、子供時代に戻り、 母のしてくれたことに感謝したいと思っています。
When I was little, my mom used to sew blankets and doll clothes for me, but I didn’t really appreciate it – I wanted store-bought doll clothes and preferred to use other blankets. But now I think back and I feel awful that my mom spent so much time sewing those tiny doll clothes and all those blankets, and I wish I could have them back! (My mom hates clutter, so gave all those things away.) I wish I could go back in time and make my younger self appreciate my mom’s effort.
私が、まだ子供の頃、母は私に毛布と人形の服を縫ってくれました。 しかし、私は感謝しませんでした。私は、お店で買ったものが 欲しかったのです。今、思い返してみると、本当に悔やまれます。 母は、何時間もかけて、心を込めて縫ってくれたはずです。 人形の服も毛布も、残念ながらもうありません。整理の好きな母が、 人にあげてしまったのだと思います。取り戻すことが出来るなら、 取り戻したいです。そして、可能なら、時間を巻き戻して、子供時代に戻り、 母のしてくれたことに感謝したいと思っています。
When I was little, my mom used to sew blankets and doll clothes for me, but I didn’t really appreciate it – I wanted store-bought doll clothes and preferred to use other blankets. But now I think back and I feel awful that my mom spent so much time sewing those tiny doll clothes and all those blankets, and I wish I could have them back! (My mom hates clutter, so gave all those things away.) I wish I could go back in time and make my younger self appreciate my mom’s effort.
Italian pizza, by Joshua K
私の好物、ピザのおはなしです。私が高校時代を過ごした南イタリアのナポリは、ピザ発祥の地です。ナポリのピザは、文句なしに最高だと思います。本場の味です。アメリカのピザハットやドミノピザとは、まったく違います。 何が違うかというと、ナポリのピザは、アメリカのピザより油っぽくありません。新鮮な野菜オイルや、純粋なオリーブオイルを使っていますから健康的です。ピザに不可欠の食材であるチーズは、水牛のミルクから作られたモッツァレラチーズです。アメリカのピザのようにベタベタしていません。ナポリのピザは、薄くて軽いので、一人で丸ごと食べることができます。場所によりますが、4ドルか5ドルで、おいしいピザを見つけることができます。ナポリのピザは、おいしい上に、値段も魅力的です。
So I was looking through my old pictures of my high school days in Napoli, Italy and I found this one of me and my brother eating authentic Italian Pizzas. The pizzas in Napoli were probably the best that I have ever had in my life. They are so much different than the Pizza Hut and Domino pizzas that we have here in the states. For one thing, Napolitan pizzas are not as greasy and and are a lot healthier than American pizzas because they use a lot of fresh vegetables and olive oil. If you look in the picture, they also use “Mozzarella di Bufala,” which is Mozzarella cheese made from Buffalo Milk. Another thing about the pizza is that they are fairly thin and light compared to American pizzas. They are not drenched in cheese and they are not very thick. Because of this, people can usually finish a whole pizza by themselves. The best part about these pizzas is the cost. I mean, it depends on where you go but you can find usually find a good pizza for 4 or 5 dollars. Looking at this picture brought back a lot of good memories and also made me really hungry.
私の好物、ピザのおはなしです。私が高校時代を過ごした南イタリアのナポリは、ピザ発祥の地です。ナポリのピザは、文句なしに最高だと思います。本場の味です。アメリカのピザハットやドミノピザとは、まったく違います。 何が違うかというと、ナポリのピザは、アメリカのピザより油っぽくありません。新鮮な野菜オイルや、純粋なオリーブオイルを使っていますから健康的です。ピザに不可欠の食材であるチーズは、水牛のミルクから作られたモッツァレラチーズです。アメリカのピザのようにベタベタしていません。ナポリのピザは、薄くて軽いので、一人で丸ごと食べることができます。場所によりますが、4ドルか5ドルで、おいしいピザを見つけることができます。ナポリのピザは、おいしい上に、値段も魅力的です。
So I was looking through my old pictures of my high school days in Napoli, Italy and I found this one of me and my brother eating authentic Italian Pizzas. The pizzas in Napoli were probably the best that I have ever had in my life. They are so much different than the Pizza Hut and Domino pizzas that we have here in the states. For one thing, Napolitan pizzas are not as greasy and and are a lot healthier than American pizzas because they use a lot of fresh vegetables and olive oil. If you look in the picture, they also use “Mozzarella di Bufala,” which is Mozzarella cheese made from Buffalo Milk. Another thing about the pizza is that they are fairly thin and light compared to American pizzas. They are not drenched in cheese and they are not very thick. Because of this, people can usually finish a whole pizza by themselves. The best part about these pizzas is the cost. I mean, it depends on where you go but you can find usually find a good pizza for 4 or 5 dollars. Looking at this picture brought back a lot of good memories and also made me really hungry.
Customs fun, by John S
I love traveling abroad, but I always have a problem with US customs on the way back. Every time I return from overseas, the customs officer looks at my passport, looks at the computer screen, looks at me, and repeats once or more. Apparently there are at least two people who share my name and some other characteristics that have done some really bad things in the past. Last time through the customs supervisor tried to get me removed from this list, but he couldn’t guarantee that it would work. I guess I’ll find out if I make a trip to Japan next month…
I love traveling abroad, but I always have a problem with US customs on the way back. Every time I return from overseas, the customs officer looks at my passport, looks at the computer screen, looks at me, and repeats once or more. Apparently there are at least two people who share my name and some other characteristics that have done some really bad things in the past. Last time through the customs supervisor tried to get me removed from this list, but he couldn’t guarantee that it would work. I guess I’ll find out if I make a trip to Japan next month…
My skin is dry, by Dr. Yoko Kelley
I am worried about my rough skin.
I am worried that my skin is getting rough.
My skin becomes dry during winter.
My skin has lost its sheen.
My skin feels itchy.
I am mindful of keeping my skin moist.
I am mindful of moisturizing my skin.
My skin is dry.
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Illustration by Dr. Norman Kelley

I am worried about my rough skin.
I am worried that my skin is getting rough.
My skin becomes dry during winter.
My skin has lost its sheen.
My skin feels itchy.
I am mindful of keeping my skin moist.
I am mindful of moisturizing my skin.
My skin is dry.
Read More... Medical Expressions

Illustration by Dr. Norman Kelley