Since its establishment, NACOS has been active in various forms of media. We have put out serialized articles and essays related to English and Japanese learning in magazines, newspapers, and on the web. We have also had a radio program which consisted of a series of lectures on English. Here is NACOS' media legacy.
■ "NACOS Radio" 2011~
NACOS radio broadcasts on the NACOS website.
We will post a new set of audio recordings of native Japanese speakers reading stories, Haiku, Japanese Proverb and Kenkou corner.
(You can listen to the articles by clicking on "NACOS Radio" on the menu bar)
■ "NACOS Medical Expressions" 2008~
We are proud to introduce "Dr. Natsuko's Medical Communication" and "NACOS English Bulletin Board," two series of articles published in the Hawaii Pacific Press. These articles are new on the NACOS website (English version) in the "NACOS Articles" section. Here, we aim to bring you the latest news in medical care and treatment from America in English and Japanese. Since 1992, these have been brought to you by co-authors, Michiko Nakamura and Dr. Yoko Kelley and artist Dr. Norman Kelley.
■ "Japanese Proverb Lesson" 2009-2011
Hawaii Pacific Press - Once a month
We introduce students of Japanese to easy-to-use Japanese proverbs.
(You can read the articles by clicking on "NACOS Articles" and then "Japanese Proverbs" on the menu bar)
■ "NACOS English Bulletin Board" 2003-2011
Published once-a-month in the Hawai'i Pacific Press. Here, we introduce readers to various health-related topics in English and Japanese. We are writing this column in collaboration with Dr. Yoko Kelley, an anesthesiologist who is currently working in Nebraska translating medical journals. These articles are embelished with illustrations by Dr. Norman Kelley who is a painter in addition to being a pediatrician. Dr. Yoko Kelley also writes an accompanying piece called "Letter from Nebraska" which includes anecdotes of life in Nebraska. (You can read the articles by clicking on "Showcase" in the menu bar)
■ "Fiddler Mi-chan" 2005-2011
Michiko Nakamura publishes a series of essays about everyday life in the Hawai'i Pacific Press.
■ "NACOS English Idiom Lesson" 1994-2009
"NACOS English Idiom Lesson" appeared for the first time in the East West Journal. This is a short lesson on English idioms with sample dialogs that can be used in business situations.
■ FMRadio J-WAVE, Tokyo JAPAN
DoCoMo Happy Landing, 2004
Interview in Japanese
■ Mainichi International USA
NACOS Special,"Another Hawai'i" 2002
An interview talking about the NACOS training methods and communication development system
Interview in Japanese
■ Mainichi International USA
"Correspondence from Honolulu" 2002-2003
In March of 2002, we started "Correspondence from Honolulu" by "Fiddler Mi-chan" which appears 2-3 times a month. This column features essays about different aspects of life in Honolulu, including stories about our friends. This column appears in the News from USA category of the Mainichi Newspaper International website.
■ "Hawaii, Your Learning Destination" 1997
A booklet on Hawaii learning institutions published by the state of Hawaii.
Hawaii's multi-cultural environment provides a comfortable and hospitable setting that blends the best of traditional island lifestyle with modern educational advances. This publication is a sampling of the many course offerings and programs available through Hawaii's educational institutions. Areas include English-as-a-Second Language, international business, professional advancement training, personal development, travel and tourism, outdoor recreation and world cultures.(DBEDT)
Japanese & English Version Cover Message Table of contents NACOS
Chinese & Korean Version Cover Message Table of Contents NACOS
■ "Dr. Natsuko's Medical Communication" 1992-2003
"Dr. Natsuko's Medical Communication" was published in the Hawai'i Pacific Press which is released twice a month. In this we introduced readers to medical terms and expressions in English and Japanese. We were writing this column in collaboration with Dr. Yoko Kelly, an anesthesiologist who is currently working in Nebraska translating medical journals.
■ "Osamu's Clumsy Communication" 1992-2002
We started writing "Osamu's Clumsy Communication", an article about the English language that appears twice a month in the Japanese Beach Press. We research and collect uncomfortable situations which Japanese visitors may experience during their stay in America.
■ Hawai'i Pacific Press
Nihongo Wa Omoshiroi, 1998
Articles on Japanese lifestyle and culture. They featured short dialogues, vocabulary and useful information on Japanese culture.
Japanese is interesting
■ The NACOS Website 1995
The NACOS website, nacos-hi.com, was first established in 1995. In addition to information about our English and Japanese language training programs, it also included student and staff pages. The following year, the site was upgraded and the URL changed to nacos.org. In the next year, the student and staff pages will become the NACOS Nagaya, a separate web site at nacosnagaya.org.
■ Japanese Beach Press
100th Anniversary Article, December15, 1995
Interview in Japanese
NACOS Radio Program, July19, 1991
Interview in Japanese
■ Hawai'i Hochi
NACOS 6-Year Anniversary, August5, 1995
Interview in Japanese
NACOS Radio Program, September29, 1992
Interview in Japanese
■ Hawai'i Pacific Press
Third Anniversary of the NACOS Radio Program, June 1994
Interview in Japanese
■ "Starting from ZERO with Michael" 1991-1994
We began an English radio program, entitled "Starting from ZERO with Michael", on KZOO (1210 AM) Monday through Friday from 10:00 PM-10:15 PM. Every month we chose one topic from a Hawaii resident's daily life. We continued this Radio Program until the autumn of 1994.
■ "Try it Right Now" 1993-1994
We began writing a series of articles entitled, "Try it Right Now" for the Ha Uy di Thoi Bao Vietnamese Newspaper. It contained Japanese language lessons based on basic Japanese daily life.
An introduction to NACOS Article in Vietnamese
■ "Japanese is Interesting" 1991-1992
We first published "Japanese is Interesting" in the KZOO Radio Magazine. It features short dialogues, vocabulary and useful information on Japanese culture.
■ Other Sample Articles Related to NACOS
Hawai'i Hochi World War II,the Attack on Pearl Harbor, and the Atomic Bomb
Hawai'i Pacific Press, 2001 Article in Japanese
Japanese Beach Press, 1998 Article in Japanese
Ilio & Popoki, 1996 American Kennel Club
Hawai'i Hochi, 1995 Article in Japanese
Gospel for the Millions, 1989 Article in Japanese
Honolulu Star Bulletin, 1989 Violin Concert