Hair, by Dr. Yoko Kelley
I am worried about my hair.
My hair has been turning silver more and more.
My hair has been thinning.
I am worried that I have more fallen hairs.
My hair is naturally wavy.
My hair bounces all over and is unsettling.
I use hair colors.
I use a touch-up when only silver hair, not the whole head, needs coloring.
It is a BAD HAIR DAY today!
Read More... Medical Expressions
Illustration by Dr. Norman Kelley

I am worried about my hair.
My hair has been turning silver more and more.
My hair has been thinning.
I am worried that I have more fallen hairs.
My hair is naturally wavy.
My hair bounces all over and is unsettling.
I use hair colors.
I use a touch-up when only silver hair, not the whole head, needs coloring.
It is a BAD HAIR DAY today!
Read More... Medical Expressions

Illustration by Dr. Norman Kelley
Flooding, by Yoko K
こうずいの ニュースにちりしる ミズーリーがわ
News of flooding
I learn the geography
Of the Missouri River

こうずいの ニュースにちりしる ミズーリーがわ
News of flooding
I learn the geography
Of the Missouri River
Preseverance becomes power
Japanese Proverb
Life is just full of obstacles that just seem too hard to overcome. However, if we keep trying, at least there is a chance that we will succeed. Even if we don't, the effort alone will make us stronger than we were before. Keizoku wa chikara nari means, "perseverance becomes power." This power can either be the result of the success we had or the sronger willpower that we develop by pushing through our obstacles.
Read More... Japanese Proverbs
Japanese Proverb

Life is just full of obstacles that just seem too hard to overcome. However, if we keep trying, at least there is a chance that we will succeed. Even if we don't, the effort alone will make us stronger than we were before. Keizoku wa chikara nari means, "perseverance becomes power." This power can either be the result of the success we had or the sronger willpower that we develop by pushing through our obstacles.
Read More... Japanese Proverbs
Honolulu 55 Years ago, by Karen W
Honolulu 55 Years ago
I recall, when I was little, going on a tour of the WARD estate, a big 2 story house with a large swamp land around it, off of King Street. This area was filled in with coral and built up to what is called Ala Moana area. There were a lot of catfish in the swamp and tall overgrown grass. You couldn’t walk in that area, Ala Moana was all water and mud. Back then people would shop at Downtown and it was very much like Ala Moana Center except it was all flat, 2 story wooden structures. Sears, Hackfeild’s(formerly Liberty House, now Macy’s) were the popular store to go to. Kress’s was the popular discount store, right across from what is now Long’s Drugs Downtown. The highest building back then was the Aloha Tower, which stands a midget in comparison to the very tall buildings in Downtown now. The roads were often dirt and there were trolley cars attached to electrical wires above and ran on rails that transported people instead of buses. Wherever the main stops were, Kaimuki, McCully, Moiliili, little towns sprung up with little stores(like ABC or 7-11), and good eating restaurants or okazuya’s. Moiliili had Diamond Bakery, Kapahulu had Love’s Bakery and Leonard’s Bakery (home of the Malasadas), and McCully had King’s Bakery, Liliha has Liliha Bakery( still very popular for Coco Puffs). Remembering these places, brings back many fun and enjoyable memories of good eats and shopping.
Honolulu 55 Years ago
I recall, when I was little, going on a tour of the WARD estate, a big 2 story house with a large swamp land around it, off of King Street. This area was filled in with coral and built up to what is called Ala Moana area. There were a lot of catfish in the swamp and tall overgrown grass. You couldn’t walk in that area, Ala Moana was all water and mud. Back then people would shop at Downtown and it was very much like Ala Moana Center except it was all flat, 2 story wooden structures. Sears, Hackfeild’s(formerly Liberty House, now Macy’s) were the popular store to go to. Kress’s was the popular discount store, right across from what is now Long’s Drugs Downtown. The highest building back then was the Aloha Tower, which stands a midget in comparison to the very tall buildings in Downtown now. The roads were often dirt and there were trolley cars attached to electrical wires above and ran on rails that transported people instead of buses. Wherever the main stops were, Kaimuki, McCully, Moiliili, little towns sprung up with little stores(like ABC or 7-11), and good eating restaurants or okazuya’s. Moiliili had Diamond Bakery, Kapahulu had Love’s Bakery and Leonard’s Bakery (home of the Malasadas), and McCully had King’s Bakery, Liliha has Liliha Bakery( still very popular for Coco Puffs). Remembering these places, brings back many fun and enjoyable memories of good eats and shopping.