Kannan nanji o tama ni suru
Hardships make you a jewel
If you've ever gone through hard times, you might have had someone say to you, “Adversity builds character” or something like that. In other words, you may be suffering right now, but it will make you a better person. This may not be much consolation while you are going through your ordeal, but it it true nonetheless. The Japanese have a similar saying that is more concrete.
Kannan nanji o tama ni suru literally means, “hardships make you a jewel.” The idea is that you are like clay or a raw stone with a lot of potential as a human being. The hardships you experience will help to mold you and polish off the rough edges. Just as diamonds are formed by extreme heat and pressure, eventually you will become hard, smooth, and bright like a jewel. Going through hardships, you learn how to deal with them. You also learn what is really important in life and can let go of a lot of your hang-ups and inconsequential things that you used to think were so important. In doing so, you become a jewel of a human being.
Life is full of hardships, both in our personal and professional. It is the furnace that forges us and polishes our souls. You may be experiencing marital or relationship problems, going through a long-term or terminal illness, or having a hard time raising your children. You may be overworked and under appreciated at work or having problems with your co-workers. Just remember, Kannan nanji o tama ni suru. All of these are challenges that are polishing you as a person. It may be small consolation now but, hopefully, it will give you something to look forward to.
Usage note: Most Japanese sayings can be turned into complete sentences just by adding “desu” to the end. To add emphasis, add “desu yo”. To ask for agreements (think, “yeah,” “right,” “you know”), add “desu ne”.