This page has usage examples for the following words:

allergy アレルギー
allergen アレルゲン(アレルギーを引き起こす物質)
blister 水ぶくれ(水庖) みずぶくれ(すいほう)
crusting かさぶた形成 かさぶたけいせい
dermatology 皮膚科 ひふか
dermatologist 皮膚科医 ひふかい
erythema 紅斑 こうはん
urticaria, hives 蕁麻疹 じんましん
weeping 滲出液が出る しんしゅつえきがでる
Both of my arms became itchy about a week ago, and little bumps appeared.
The itching on my arms disappeared with time, but the back of my left hand is still red and bumpy.
I may have scratched my hand during sleep. I don't remember if I did or not.
もしかしたら、ねむっているあいだにかゆくなって かいたのかもしれません。でも おぼえていません。
Are you allergic to anything?
I haven't thought about it too much, but I have had hives-like rashes-a few times.
You have eczema.
これはエグゼマですね。(にほんごでは しゅふしっしんというびょうめいです。)
Is this contagious?
No, it is not contagious.
What is the difference between allergy and hives?

Itchiness woke me up one morning
I turned on the light to see what happened to my body and found small red rash all over the body. It was shocking. I was really worried. I couldn’t sleep and stayed awake all night. I couldn’t sit still until 9 o’clock when University Hospital started to see patients. I left home at 6 o’clock and sat for a while at the waiting room of the hospital. I was really depressed. Just around 9 o’clock, I was surprised to realize that these red rash began to disappear like the receding waves. Nurse called my name. I went into the examining room. “What’s wrong?" “I have red rash all over my body.” “Let’s see”“There is no rash anywhere.” “I truly had them.” “Nothing’s wrong with you.” “I may still have rash in the sole of my foot.” Several nurses and doctors gathered around me, smiling. I was embarrassed.
明け方、かゆさのために目を覚ましました。電気を付けて身体を点検してみると、赤い湿疹のような小さなブツブツが身体中にできていました。ドキっとしました。心配になって、その後、一睡もできませんでした。大学病院の始まる午前9時を持ちきれず、午前6時には家を出ました。待合室で、かなり落ち込んで、時間のたつのを待っていました。ところが、診察の始まる午前9時頃になって、だんだん赤いブツブツが、潮が引いていくように消えていくではありませんか! 看護師さんに名前を呼ばれました。診察室に入りました。「どうしましたか?」「身体中に、赤いブツブツができています。」「どれどれ!」「どこにも何もないですよ。」「今まで、ちゃんとあったんです。」「なんともないよ!」「いや、足の付け根には、まだ残っているかもしれません。」看護婦さんや数人の医師が回りに集まってきて笑っています。何とも格好悪いことでした。
A conversation between a patient and a doctor about allergies and hives
The other day, both of my arms got itchy, but I didn’t pay too much attention it. After a while, the skin on the back of my left hand turned red and looked as if had been poisoned. The symptoms have persisted over a week and appear to be worsening. Is it an allergic reaction to something?
Allergic reaction, hives (urticaria) and eczema. These three are easier to comprehend if we think of them as being closely related to each other, in terms of cause (or physical predisposition), rather than skin symptoms and diagnosis, so we can discuss them separately.
These three have the same process of manifestation; when you contact or inhale chemical substances, erythema and ,blisters appear on the skin, Because of the itchy sensation, you scratch the skin, thereby inducing more ,blisters.
Urticaria, is defined in medical dictionaries as the sudden appearance of wheals with extreme itch, which disappear in 2 to 3 days or become chronic in some cases. Therefore, if you have a rash on your hands after using dish detergent for several days, the symptom does not indicate urticaria but contact dermatitis, or eczema. At any rate, you should consult a dermatologist.