This page has usage examples for the following words:
alcoholics アルコール中毒者 アルコールちゅうどくしゃ
acute alcohol intoxication, alcohol poisoning 急性(きゅうせい)アルコール中毒
alcohol dependence, alcohol abuse アルコール依存症 アルコールいぞんしょう
a hangover 二日酔い ふつかよい
be unconscious, lose consciousness 意識不明(いしきふめい)、…になる
domestic violence 家庭内暴力 かていないぼうりょく
driving while dozing 居眠り運転 いねむりうんてん
drunken driving 酔っ払い運転 よっぱらいうんてん
get drunk 酔っ払う よっぱらう
hallucination 幻覚症状 げんかくしょうじょう
liver 肝臓 かんぞう
liver cirrhosis 肝硬変 かんこうへん
nausea 吐き気 はきけ
overdrinking 飲み過ぎ のみすぎ
vomit 吐く はく
Because of my job, there are many oppotunities for drinking.
I don't think that I handle alcohol well, and I tend to drink more than I should.
I have a hangover and don't feel well.
けさは、ふつかよいで きぶんがすぐれません。
I drank too much at a party and got alcohol poisoning.
パーティーでおさけをのみすぎて きゅうせいアルコールちゅうどくになりました。
My husband tries to escape from stress and is becoming dependent on alcohol.
おっとは、ストレスからとうひするために アルコールにいぞんするようになりました。
My husband sometimes becomes violent with me and our children.
かていで わたしやこどもに ぼうりょくをふるうこともあります。

A conversation between a patient and a doctor about the alcoholism
Japanese TV news show “hanami parties” held throughout the country, as the season of cherry blossoms has arrived. Isn’t too much drinking detrimental to the body?
It is undeniable that drinking has positive aspects such as softening mood and making work and social relationship smoother, but one must realize that drinking causes immeasurable harms to oneself and others, such as driving while dozing, drunk driving, domestic violence and death from alcoholism. If you have any family member who is alcoholic or you are pregnant, you should stay away from alcohol. In acute alcohol intoxication, alcohol affects the brain, paralyzing respiration and heart beat. Alcohol is mostly decomposed by enzymes in the liver, and it is known that Asian people are deficient of these enzymes. Therefore, the custom of forcing a person to drink alcohol at parties should be abolished.
一言おせっかい My two cents