This page has usage examples for the following words:

antioxidants アンタイオキシダンツ
antioxidants 酸化防止剤 さんかぼうしざい
a meal 食事 しょくじ
a diet 食餌 しょくじ
cell 細胞 さいぼう
cancer prevention 癌の予防 がんのよぼう
carbohydrate 炭水化物 たんすいかぶつ
eating habit 食習慣 しょくしゅうかん
fat 脂肪 しぼう
nutritional balance 栄養のバランス えいようのバランス
oxidation, oxidization 酸化 さんか
oxidate, oxidize 酸化する さんかする
protein 蛋白質 たんぱくしつ
dietary therapy 食事療法 しょくじりょうほう
Many members in my family died of cancer.
わたしのかけいには がんでなくなったひとがおおいんです。
Since I was a child, my diet has consisted of more meat than vegetables.
My wife is a vegetarian, so after we got married I have had a tendency to eat as little meat as possible. I have noticed that my skin and hair have become lusterless.
けっこんご、つまが さいしょくしゅぎなので わたしも にくをひかえめにしたところ、ひふやかみのけに つやがなくなってきました。

My physical condition is getting weak.
Is my diet well- balanced?
My wife is pretty healthy.
つまは いたってけんこうです。
A conversation between a patient and a doctor about antioxidants
Recently, I often heard the words “antioxidants” or “free radicals.” They are said to be related to cancer prevention. Can you explain these words in plain expressions?
最近、antioxidants(アンタイオキシダンツ)、free radicals (フリーラジカル)という言葉をよく耳にします。癌の予防と関係あるといわれています。やさしい表現を使って説明してくださいますか。
The body obtains necessary energy by oxidizing carbohydrate, fat and protein. In the process, free radicals are produced. Free radicals are unstable substance and when they invade cells, they change the character of cells, leading to cancer development. Antioxidants fight against free radicals. Many fruits and vegetables contain high amount of antioxidants. Vitamin A, C and E and b-carotene are antioxidants. As molecular biology continues to advance, more things will be elucidated.
My two cents 一言おせっかい
Eat a well-balanced meal with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.