This page has usage examples for the following words:
Alzheimer's disease アルツハイマー病 アルツハイマーびょう
be forgetful 物忘れしやすい ものわすれしやすい
be interested in 興味を持つ きょうみをもつ
brain 脳 のう
exercise 運動 うんどう
forget things 物忘れする ものわすれする
hobby, hobbies 趣味 しゅみ
keep learning 学び続ける まなびつづける
support group(s) 助け合いグループ たすけあいグループ

I sometimes lose track of conversations (get confused in the middle of conversation) or can't remember words.
このごろ、かいわのとちゅうで、ふと はなしのないようが わからなくなったり、ことばが おもいだせないことがあります。
Am I getting Alzheimer's disease?
My fiance's father suffers from Alzheimer's disease.
こんやくしゃのおとうさんが、アルツハイマーに かかっています。
My fiance is afraid that he will get it in the future?
こんやくしゃも しょうらい、アルツハイマーになるのではないかと、いまから おそれています。
What should I be careful of in terms of food and lifestyle?
しょくじや せいかつかんきょうで、どんなてんに きをつけたほうがよいですか。
Or, are they unrelated to the disease?
それとも、そういうことには かんけいありませんか。
I've heard that there is a support group for families of Alzheimer patients,.
アルツハイマーびょうかんじゃの かぞくが、たがいにたすけあうグループがあると ききましたが。
A conversation between a patient and a doctor about Alzheimer's disease
An acquaintance who is young in thinking and not even in early old age says that she becomes forgetful and worries that she is getting Alzheimer’s disease. Another acquaintance who has chronic rheumatoid arthritis leaves cold Japan for warm Hawaii during winter so that he can enjoy physical activities. I realize that as we age, there is a limitation to physical freedom. While the change is natural, it is very important to live comfortably and with stimulation.
As the population ages, such diseases as Alzheimer’s disease and osteoporosis which were thought to be geriatric diseases in the past have been regarded as important diseases. Many studies have been conducted and preventative measures have been sought. By the way, to worry about ,Alzheimer’s disease just because of getting forgetful seems to be overanxious. It may sound extreme, but if you suffer from Alzheimer’s disease, you are even unconscious of being forgetful. It is natural that the brain, along with the body, does not function as well as it did when we were young. Lately, the importance of exercise has been emphasized. Science has proven that exercise plays a great role in prevention of cardiovascular diseases. In addition to exercise, being interested in new things is necessary to lead a lively lifestyle.

My two cents 一言おせっかい
It is the mind that makes the man, and our vigour is in our immortal soul.
( Ovid:Metamorphoses)