This page has usage examples for the following words:

bowel movement 便通 べんつう
carbohydrate 炭水化物 たんすいかぶつ
constipation 便秘 べんぴ
constipated 便秘をしている
enema 浣腸 かんちょう
fat(lipid) 脂肪 しぼう
fiber 繊維質 せんいしつ
laxatives 緩下剤 かんげざい
protein 蛋白質 たんぱくしつ
starch でんぷん
tummy お腹(口語) おなか
vegetable 野菜 やさい
I am constipated.
My tummy feels bloated.
I haven't had a bowl movement for several days.

I tend to get constipated when I travel.
りょこうにでると べんぴがちになります。
I don't want to take laxatives.
かんげざいは のみたくないのですが。
Try to eat foods that are rich in fiber.
せんいしつのたべものをとるように こころがけてください。
You have to eat balanced foods that have a lot of carbohydrates, protein and are low in fat.
A conversation between a patient and a doctor about constipation
My daughter seems to be constipated. Lately, she is strained at her job and her meals are irregular. Is there any way to correct the condition without taking medications? Also, what should she do in everyday life?
娘は、最近、緊張する仕事が続いて、更に、食事が不規則になっているせいか、このところ便秘気味らしいのです。お薬を服用しないで、スッキリする方法はないものでしょうか? また、日常での注意も教えて下さい。
While constipation is not a disease requiring urgent attention, it indeed gives a difficult time to people who suffer from it. Constitution, eating habit and diet, all of these affect bowel movement. Nervous people tend to have constipation or diarrhea when environment changes even slightly. Try to eat regularly and more fibrous vegetables. Also, it is important to eat a balanced diet containing all of carbohydrate, protein, fat and water. It may be worthwhile to know which foods cause constipation or help bowel movement.
My two cents 一言おせっかい
There are a few measures said to work for constipation; massage slowly you tummy clockwise, drink cold water the first thing in the morning, and others. Try them. They may work. In Hawaii, fresh banana or papaya are said to promote bowel movement, while guava is used when you have soft stool.