This page has usage examples for the following words:

a mole ほくろ
a double eyelid 二重まぶた ふたえまぶた
baby boomer ベービーブーマー
cosmetic surgery 美容形成 びようけいせい
competitive jobs 競争のはげしい仕事
excess fat 余分な脂肪 よぶんなしぼう
laser treatment レーザー治療 レーザーちりょう
laser beam レーザー光線 レーザーこうせん
liposuction 脂肪の吸引 しぼうのきゅういん
plastic surgery 形成外科 けいせいげか
reconstructive surgery 再建手術 さいけんしゅじゅつ
sagging skin 皮膚のたるみ ひふのたるみ
transplantation, transplant 移植 いしょく
wrinkles しわ
I don't like the large mole on my neck. The mole is very conspicuous.
くびすじの このおおきなほくろが めだつので きになります。
Can it be removed?
As I get older, I notice more sags and wrinkles on my face. Does cosmetic surgery lift the face or erase wrinkles? I want the face to look natural.
だんだんとしをとってきて、かおのしわのたるみがきになってきました。しぜんなかんじで せいけいしたいのですが・・・
My husband is only in his forties, but he is getting bald.
おっとは まだ40だいなのに、とうはつが ねんねん うすくなってかわいそうです。
Is there some kind of surgical implanting for hair roots?
もうこんをうえる しゅじゅつがありますか。
I underwent surgery for breast cancer a few years ago, and haven't done anything to correct the breast.
すうねんまえに にゅうがんの しゅじゅつをしましたので、かたちが へんけいしたままです。
I've heard that there is a surgery that transplants skin and fat from other parts of my body.
じぶんのからだの、ほかのぶいの しぼうとひふを いしょくする しゅじゅつがあると ききました。
A conversation between a patient and a doctor about cosmetic surgery
A friend of mine told me that she underwent an operation to remove a mole on the neck, which she had worried about it. Lately, it seems that an increasing number of people, regardless of age and occupation, go through plastic surgery.
Originally, surgical specialists who treated patients with congenital defects, burns or who were wounded in traffic accidents, were called plastic surgeons. But they are now called reconstructive surgeons. Plastic surgery for cosmetic purpose is now called cosmetic surgery or cosmetic procedure. One of the reasons why cosmetic surgery is now so popular is that many of the baby boomers, who were born between 1945 and 1953, work in competitive jobs. Procedures such as transplantation and treatment with laser and chemical agents, which had been developed originally for reconstructive surgery, are now employed in cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic surgery, as any medical procedure, has risks. You must understand fully what is involved. If you are allergic or hypersensitive to something, you should inform your surgeon in advance.
先天的な欠損ややけどの痕の治療、事故によるケガをなおす専門医を、元来、形成外科医といっていましたが、現在は、再建手術(Reconstructive surgery)専門医と呼ぶようになりました。美容目的の形成手術は、Cosmetic surgery 又は、Cosmetic procedureと呼ぶようになりました。ベービーブーマーといわれる人達(1945〜1953年頃に産まれた人)の多くが、競争のはげしい仕事に就いている事が、美容成形の盛んになった原因の一つと考えられています。移植、レーザー治療、化学的な治療も元来は再建手術の進歩にともなって発達しましたが、これらも美容手術にとり入れられて来ました。医学に関する他の分野と同じく、美容成形も危険性があります。説明書をよく読む、アレルギーや過敏症のある方は、医師に前もって相談なさることが必要です。
My two cents 一言おせっかい
Long-term effects of cosmetic surgery remain unclear. Most cosmetic surgery needs to be repeated.
美容成形についても長期にわたった結果は、まだ出ていません。 殆どの美容成形は再手術が必要です。