This page has usage examples for the following words:

an aging society 高齢化社会 こうれいかしゃかい
being active 活き活きとしている いきいきとしている
become senile ぼける
continue learning 学び続ける まなびつづける
continue to exercise 運動を続ける うんどうをつづける
dementia 痴呆 ちほう
longevity, a long life 長寿 ちょうじゅ
senile 老人性 ろうじんせい
try to avoid becoming senile ぼけないようにする
walk briskly さっさと散歩する さっさとさんぽする
Since I retired, I have had a carefree life.
ていねんたいしょくしてから まいにち のんびりとくらしています。
My wife keeps telling me that I should take up something I can devote myself to.
ボケないように なにかうちこめることをしたらどうかと かないにいわれます。
My wife has a few hobbies she’s been pursuing for many years. She’s enjoying life.
かないは ながねんつづけているしゅみがいくつかあり、まいにち はりのあるせいかつを おくっているようです。
I played a lot of sports when I was young.
わたしは わかいころは スポーツがすきでした。
But I stopped them as it became difficult to move around.
しかし、だんだん からだがおもうようにうごかなくなり、すっかりやめてしまいました。
I feel I am getting out of shape.
いまでは からだがなまってしまって・・・
My wife coutinues to pay attention to fashion and her own appearance.
かないは わかいころとおなじように、おしゃれやみだしなみにも きをくばっています。
That may be why she remains alert.
そういうことも ボケぼうしになっているのかもしれません。
A conversation between a patient and a doctor about longevity, a long life
After retiring from my employment, I spend every day peacefully, yet I am not quite satisfied. I just can’t seem to devote myself to anything. I am healthy and want to have some hobby which I will be absorbed in, but I feel timid about starting something now. I really don’t know what I should do. I have at present no problem financially or physically. My wife seems to be enjoying various activities.
Everybody knows that it takes time to get adjusted to a new environment when circumstances change. You don’t have to start anything new. However, after some time passes, it is a good idea to do something challenging. As we go into the aging society, people live long after retirement. You may do volunteer work, utilizing your past experience, or take up things you couldn’t do while working, such as carpentry, wood working, gardening. You can join hobby groups. Meeting new people is stimulating. How about starting to walk around the neighborhood and increase your distance and speed? It may not be just a dream to compete in a marathon!

My two cents 一言おせっかい
“It is the mind that makes the man, and our vigour is in our immortal soul.”
(Ovid:Metamorphoses) やはり心の持ち方が大切ですね。