This page has usage examples for the following words:
anemia 貧血 ひんけつ
anorexia nervosa 神経性食欲不振症(拒食症)
binge eating disorder 過摂食障害 かせっしょくしょうがい
bulimia nervosa 神経性過食症 しんけいせいかしょくしょう
calorie カロリー
carbohydrate 炭水化物 たんすいかぶつ
cardiac disorder 心臓障害 しんぞうしょうがい
diet ダイエット 食事制限 しょくじせいげん
eating disorders 摂食障害 せっしょくしょうがい
empty stomach 空っぽの胃 からっぽのい
fasting 断食 だんじき
hunger 空腹 くうふく
hungry ひもじい
lose weight, become thin やせる
(神経性過食症bulimia nervosaと過摂食障害binge eating disorderの違いは下記に説明)

I'd like to try fasting. Is it safe?
My 20-year-old daughter wanted to lose weight and has become anorexic.
20さいのむすめが、やせがんぼうで きょしょくしょうになりました。
She is emaciated and has no monthly periods.
ガリガリにやせて せいりまでとまってしまったようです。
My colleague fainted while she was on a diet.
My stomach is growling. I feel really hungry.

A conversation between a patient and a doctor about diet
Some young women start dieting because they wish to be thin, ending up hurting themselves, instead. A friend of mine fasts occasionally for moral purpose or for the purpose of gastrointestinal cleaning. I don’t think that anybody should do dieting or fasting in their own ways. What will happen to the body when we diet or fast?
Foods we eat are converted into energy in the body. In other words, we cannot survive without foods. However, when foods are eaten more than the body needs, or can use, the excess is stored, leading to obesity. In short, if one can guess the amount one needs, one can maintain the optimum body weight.
In modern life, the laws of nature are often ignored. It is regrettable and also dangerous. The heart, particularly, needs energy. Excessive dieting may cause cardiac disorder before long. Fasting has been practiced for religious reasons from old times. Needless to say, people with cardiac or renal disorder should not do fasting. Recent studies on eating disorders, or bulimia and/or anorexia nervosa, have found the association of the condition with hereditary or familial depression.
Eating disorders consist of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder. The difference between bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder is that in bulimia nervosa, binge eating is followed by compensatory purging, but in binge-eating disorder, no compensatory purging follows after binge eating.
神経性食欲不振症(拒食症) anorexia nervosa, 神経性過食症 bulimia nervosa, 過摂食障害 binge-eating disorderを、まとめて、摂食障害 eating disorders と呼びます。後者2つの、bulimia nervosaと、 binge-eating disorderの違いは、bulimia nervosaは、過食の後、食べたものを吐いてしまう(purging)のに対し、binge-eating disorderは、吐かずにただひたすら食べるところです。
My two cents 一言おせっかい
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.