This page has usage examples for the following words:
artificial nutrients 人工栄養剤 じんこうえいようざい
a multi-vitamin supplement, a multi-mineral supplement
総合ビタミン剤 そうごうビタミンざい
calories カロリー
carbohydrate 炭水化物 たんすいかぶつ
chemical fertilizer 化学肥料 かがくひりょう
fat 脂肪 しぼう
fiber 繊維 せんい
grain 穀類 こくるい
health food 健康食品 けんこうしょくひん
nutrition 栄養 えいよう
natural foods, organic foods 自然食品 しぜんしょくひん
organic foods 有機食品 ゆうきしょくひん
protein 蛋白質 たんぱくしつ
pesticide 殺虫剤 さっちゅうざい
vegetarian 菜食主義者 さいしょくしゅぎしゃ
vitamin tablets ビタミン剤 ビタミンざい

I am a vegetarian. I do not eat red meat or chicken, but I do eat fish occasionally.
わたしは さいしょくしゅぎなので おにくはたべませんが、たまにさかなはたべます。
People tell me that I look well and have a good complexion. My nails have good color.
かおのけっしょくや つやがいいと ひとにいわれます。つめのいろもいいとおもいます。
I am confident that I am in good health, but I would like to gain more stamina.
What nutrients do I need more of?
どんなえいようそを もっと とるべきですか。
What kind of nutritional supplements should I take?
なにのえいようざいを とればいいですか。
A conversation between a patient and a doctor about nutrition
It is busy every day. Because I am pressed for time, I cook simple meals or eat out similar dishes, day after day. As I worry that I am not getting balanced nutrients, I am planning to take vitamin supplements. I hear that nutrients are not only of natural foods but also of artificial nutrients. Don’t they have ill effects on the body?
While we are inundated with health information, daily lives become hectic and many of us feel that our physical and nutritional lives are far from ideal conditions. And, for some vitamins, we have to eat a lot of food in order to obtain a satisfactory amount. In that respect, nutrients are not necessarily worthless. However, not all nutrients contain all necessary vitamins, and some nutrients supply only calories. What you can safely take daily is a multi-vitamin supplement. Lately, a variety of grains has become readily available, and natural or organic foods seem to have become popularized.
What's new in American Health Field 米国健康事情
August 2010
Orthorexia nervosa オートレキシア ネルボーザ
I understand that orthorexia nervosa is a term implying a type of eating disorders. Can you explain it?
Orthorexia nervosa(オートレキシア ネルボーザ)は、ある種の摂食障害をさす用語と聞きました。説明して下さい。
The term was coined in 1997 by Dr. Steven Bratman in Colorado. The Greek orthos means correct or right and orexis means appetite.
この用語は1997年にコロラド州のブラットマン医師により造られました。ギリシャ語でorthosは、correct, right(正しい)を意味し、orexisは、appetite(食欲)を意味します。
Thus, orthorexia means a correct appetite. But, when a word nervosa is added, it denotes an eating disorder characterized by the obsession with healthy foods.
People with orthorexia nervosa believe that fat, preservatives, man-made food or animal product should be avoided, and eat only fruits and vegetables. An extreme case leads to malnutrition or even death.
Because they limit what they can eat, they spend less and less time with family and friends, isolating themselves socially.
My two cents 一言おせっかい
健康状態が良い場合は、"I’m in good health." 良くない場合には、 "I’m in bad health." 又は、"I’m in poor health." と言います。