This page has usage examples for the following words:
American College of Rheumatology 全米リウマチ協会 ぜんべいリウマチきょうかい
body aches 身体の痛み からだのいたみ
chronic stiffness 慢性的なこり まんせいてきなこり
fatigue 疲労感 ひろうかん
Fibromyalgia ファイブロマイアルジァ
irritable bowel syndrome 消化器系の過敏症 しょうかきけいのかびんしょう
muscle pain 筋肉痛 きんにくつう
rheumatologist リウマチ専門医 リウマチせんもんい
stiffness こわばり、こり
sleep disturbance 睡眠がとれない すいみんがとれない

When I start cleaning house, I always have a sharp pain in my left hip.
いえのなかのそうじをすると、いつもひだりのこしのうしろが さすようにいたみます。
I am aware that I have bad posture after a while, but I can't help it.
ちょうじかん むいしきのうちに ふしぜんなしせいをとっているのはわかっていますが・・・
It is painful at night while I am in bed and when I get up. I really suffer from it.
よる ねていてもいたみますし、また おきあがるときにもいたむので つらいです。
When I lift heavy bags at the check out counter at supermarkets, my upper arms and shoulders ache for a while.
スーパーマーケットでの おもいかいものぶくろをもつと じょうわんとかたに しばらくいたみがのこります。
I have muscle pain in my shoulder, when I lift a heavy kettle.
いまでは みぎてで おもいやかんを もちあげただけでも、かたのつけねの きんにくがいたみます。
It is difficult to raise arms above my shoulders because of the pain. My neck gets stiff.
いたみのせいで うでをかたよりうえにあげにくく、くびのきんにくがこわばったかんじがします。

The pain is always in the same spot.
いたみのでるばしょは いつもおなじところです。
The muscle here has been aching for a long time.
このすじが まんせいてきにいたむんです。
My stomach often gurgles and I have runs.
おなかがよくゴロゴロなって げりをします。
A conversation between a patient and a doctor about Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is said to be an old, yet new disease. What is known about the disease so far?
Fibro- is a prefix indicating that the word is related to fibrous tissue, and myalgia means muscle pain. Hence, fibromyalgia means disorders of fibrous tissue with muscle pain. Symptoms include generalized pain, fatigue, disturbed sleep and other somatic symptoms. Although the cause of fibromyalgia is unknown, abnormal pain processing in the central nervous system is suspected by psychophysiologic and neurophysiologic researches. Approximately half of the people with widespread pain meet the classification criteria of fibromyalgia by the American College of Rheumatology (ACR). Current pharmacologic treatment includes antidepressant and antiepileptic drugs. Nonpharmacologic management such as exercise, meditation and yoga, stress management and counseling are said to be effective
My two cents 一言おせっかい
Exercise for people with muscle pain may seem like missing the mark, but as far as fibromyalgia is concerned, it is an important component of treatment.