This page has usage examples for the following words:

rusty nail 錆びた釘 さびたくぎ
seizures 痙攣 けいれん
splinter 棘 とげ
stiffness こわばり
tetanus 破傷風 はしょうふう
I have a splinter in my palm.
てのひらに とげがささりました。
I stepped on a rusty nail.
さびたくぎを ふみました。
My daughter had a seizure a couple of minutes ago.
むすめが、2~3ぷんまえに けいれんをおこしました。
My son is complaining of stiffness in his neck and jaw.
When was your last tetanus shot?
はしょうふうのよぼうちゅうしゃを さいごにうけたのはいつですか?
I haven't had one for a long time. I don't remember.
It must have been a long time ago.
While walking on the coral reef, I cut my foot.
A conversation between a patient and a doctor about the tetanus
In Hawaii, adults and children alike enjoy all kinds of sports in the parks and on the beach. Somehow, children get cuts no matter how often they are told to be careful.
Hawaii is blessed with warm weather. However, as the air temperature is high throughout the year, people wear light clothing and footwear, and thus, get injured easily. When you are injured on the beach, the cuts may contain pieces of coral.
Those cuts may appear slight, but they will swell up quite a bit. If you step on a rusty nail, or if open wounds have dirt in them, there is a risk of tetanus. It is important to be treated appropriately at the hospital.
Tetanus is a neuromuscular (of nerve and muscle) infection caused by Clostridium tetani (tetanus bacterium), characterized by stiffness of the neck and jaw plus seizures. Usually, the wound itself does not look like anything special. In severe cases, the stiffness of muscles appears the following day or 2 days after receiving a cut. You must be treated immediately when said symptoms appear.
ケガをした直後には軽く見えても、2~3日後に、赤く腫れ上がることがあります。また、錆びた釘を踏んだり、傷口に泥が入ったりした場合には、破傷風 (tetanus) の危険がありますので、ただちに病院で適切な手当を受ける必要があります。

My two cents 一言おせっかい
My two cents worth of advice. It may or may not be worth a lot, but this is what I think or what I think you should do. It is safer if you wear kamaboko slippers or any other protective shoes when walking on a coral reef.