This page has usage examples for the following words:

asthma 喘息 ぜんそく
bloody phlegm, bloody sputum 血痰 けったん
bronchitis 気管支炎 きかんしえん
(a) cold 風邪 かぜ
catch a cold 風邪をひく かぜをひく
(the) common cold 普通の風邪 ふつうのかぜ
cold medicine 風邪薬 かぜぐすり
cough 咳 せき
dry cough 空咳 からぜき
fever 熱 ねつ
influenza インフルエンザ
lung cancer 肺癌 はいがん
pneumonia 肺炎 はいえん
pulmonary emphysema 肺気腫 はいきしゅ
I have a fever and a cough.
I thought I had the common cold, but I just can't get rid of the fever and cough.
I kept coughing all night yesterday and sticky sputum came up everytime.
ゆうべ しゅうしんちゅう、ひどくせきこんでとまりませんでした。そのたびにねばっこいたんがでました。
I cough badly and I noticed blood in my sputum this morning.
I feel pain in my chest when I cough.
せきをすると むねのところがいたみます。
My chest feels tight.
My husband coughs all the time.
Is heavy smoking the cause of his constant cough?
いつもせきがでるのは タバコのすいすぎでしょうか。
My husband has difficulty breathing.
おっとが こきゅうこんなんになりました。
Is something wrong with his lungs?
A conversation between a patient and a doctor about pneumonia
Because my cold just dragged on, I went to see my doctor and was told that I had pneumonia. I thought in Japan that pneumonia was a serious disease and was surprised to learn that, unexpectedly, many people suffer from pneumonia in Hawaii. Is it correct to think that you have pneumonia when a cold get complicated?
As pneumonia is spread principally through the air, you can think of pneumonia as related to cold. That is why people have pneumonia in Hawaii. like anywhere else. Our body has double and triple layers of defense mechanisms to prevent bacteria and viruses from entering inside. Nasal mucus, airway reflex and the lung rich in blood are some of these defense layers. When the defense mechanism becomes weak, due to overwork and such, bacteria and viruses can invade our bodies, making us sick. Smoking and excessive drinking also interfere with our body’s function. Pneumonia can develop when influenza becomes complicated. When you can’t seem shake off a cough and fever, you should see your doctor before too long.

My two cents 一言おせっかい
It is said that cold in summer tends to aggravate. When you catch a cold in winter, you pay attention, but if it is in summer, you neglect to have a good rest.
昔から夏風邪はこじらせやすいといわれています。冬にかぜを引くと用心しますが、夏期には、どうしても 充分に養生しないことが多いようです。