This page has usage examples for the following words:
Basedow’s disease バセドー病 バセドーびょう
Growth hormone 成長ホルモン せいちょうホルモン
Gonadotropin 性腺刺激ホルモン せいせんしげきホルモン
Hormone ホルモン
Pituitary hormones 脳下垂体ホルモン のうかすいたいホルモン

When the hormonal balance gets off, what kind of changes will appear?
There are so many different kinds of hormones in the body, therefore, it can't be said in simple words.
My daughter, who is 21 years old, has irregular periods.
21さいのむすめの せいりがふじゅんなようです。
Does it have anything to do with hormones?
If possible, I don't want to take hormones.
できれば ホルモンざいはのみたくないのですが。
Is prematurely gray hair or baldness caused by hormones?
わかしらがやはげも ホルモンのえいきょうをうけますか。
A conversation between a patient and a doctor about Hormone
Today, I would like to ask about “the true character” of hormones. It may sound exaggerated if I say the phrase “the true character”. I am curious as to in which parts of the body hormones are made and concealed. When do hormones become active and what triggers the activation? Now and then, we hear the expression that hormones are off-balanced. What can cause hormones to be off-balanced? What are symptoms when hormones are off-balanced? According to Kojien, the venerable dictionary, the “hormone is a general name for substances that are secreted from specific tissues or organs, such as an endocrine gland, and circulate in the body along with body fluids. Hormones, at microdose, affect functions of specific tissues. Well known hormones include hypophysis hormone, thyroid hormone, sex hormone and metamorphosis hormone of insects.”
今日は、ホルモンの「正体」について伺いたいと思います。正体などと言うと、大袈裟に聞こえますが・・・まず、ホルモンは、身体のどこで作られて、どこにひそんでいるのか興味のあるところです。また、身体がどんな状態の時に、ホルモンは活躍するのでしょうか? 時々、ホルモンのバランスが崩れた、という言葉を耳にしますが、どんな原因によって起こりますか? また、どのような症状がでますか? 広辞苑を引くと、「内分泌腺など、特定の組織、または、器官から分泌され、体液と共に体内を循環し、特定の組織の機能に、きわめて微量で、一定の変化を与える物質の総称。脳下垂体ホルモン、甲状腺ホルモン、性ホルモン、昆虫の変態ホルモン・・・」と記されていました。
Hormones adjust body structures and organs so that they work at their best level. It can be said that the hormones are the engine oil and the meters combined, as in a car.
Growth, metabolism, digestion, circulation, reproduction, all of which are adjusted by hormones. When we say that hormones are off-balanced, it means that hormones are produced either too much or too little quantity. The central organ of hormone secretion is the hypophysis, which is located near the center of the brain. The hypophysis secretes hormones which stimulate the secretion of other hormones such as growth hormone, adrenal hormone and thyroid hormone. The relationship between the hypophysis and the secretion of other hormones is described in ho02.
My two cents 一言おせっかい
Every car needs regular inspection for good performance, so do we humans.