This page has usage examples for the following words:
a sprained finger 突き指 つきゆび
have a cramp in the leg 足がつる あしがつる
herniated lumbar disk, a strained back ぎっくり腰 ぎっくりごし
lumbar supporter 腰部サポーター ようぶサポーター
neck brace 首のサポーター くびのサポーター
Old wounds hurt 古傷が痛む ふるきずがいたむ
torn muscle 肉離れ にくばなれ
whiplash injury 鞭打ち症 むちうちしょう
I had a whiplash injury from a car accident five years ago.
5ねんまえに かるい こうつうじこにあって、むちうちしょうになりました。
When the seasons change, the pain in my neck returns due to the after effects of the injury.
きせつのかわりめには、こういしょうがでて くびすじがいたみます。
I carried heavy boxes full of old newspapers yesterday.
I have a terrible back pain today. I can't walk.
けさは、こしがいたくて まともにあるけません。
I have experienced a strained back several times in the past. I often have back pain.
ぎっくりごしは、かこに なんどもけいけんしています。いらい、どうもようつうになりやすくなったようです。
I went hiking yesterday. I haven't done that for a long time. My legs were swollen and I had a cramp in my calf and sole.
きのう、ひさしぶりに ハイキングをしたので、あしがパンパンに はってしまいました。ふくらはぎとあしのうらがつって、ものすごくいたくなりました。
I vigorously massaged it until the pain subsided.
ともかくも、ひっしで マッサージをしてなおしましたが・・・
My sister plays volleyball and often has sprained fingers.
いもうとがバレーボールをしていて、しょっちゅう つきゆびをしています。
Should I massage it myself or not?

A conversation between a patient and a doctor about old wounds hurting
When the seasons change, the pain from the whiplash I suffered in a traffic accident a long time ago flares up. Also, my legs cramp and I keep throwing out my back and it hurts. At these times, while I wonder if I should go to the hospital, they get better. However, I worry that the pain will come again.
There is such a thing as an "old wound." The cause of this is neglecting an injury when it hasn't completely healed. On the other hand, the flaring up of old wounds when the seasons change is related to the change in the condition of the body fluids. We say that degree of adhesion (viscosity?) of the body fluids and synovial fluid in the joints changes along with the external environmental conditions. Depending on the location of the pain, it may be treated by rest or taking pain medication or you may need to consult with a specialist. In particular, it the pain in the neck or back is severe, I recommend that you consult with an orthopedic surgeon.
My two cents 一言おせっかい
When you get cramps in your calves, they say you should eat more bananas. This is because they contain a lot of potassium. It is a good idea to do this before hiking, running, or any activity where you may get cramps in your legs in order to replace the potassium lost when you sweat. You can also drink sports drinks to replace lost electrolytes, especially when doing vigorous workouts where you sweat a lot.