This page has usage examples for the following words:
acute(chronic) gastritis 急性(慢性)胃炎 きゅうせい(まんせい)いえん
stomach pain, sore stomach 胃の痛み いのいたみ
barium バリウム
cramping さし込み さしこみ
duodenal ulcer 十二指腸潰瘍 じゅうにしちょうかいよう
gastritis 胃炎 いえん
gastric acid 胃酸 いさん
gastro-camera 胃カメラ いカメラ
gastric ulcer 胃潰瘍 いかいよう
gastric dilation 胃拡張 いかくちょう
gastroduodenal ulcer 胃十二指腸潰瘍 いじゅうにしちょうかいよう
heart burn, burning 胸焼け むねやけ
lump しこり
nausea 吐き気 はきけ

I feel heaviness in my stomach. I have heartburn and nausea.
I can't eat as much as I used to. I get full quickly.
しょくがほそくなって、すぐに まんぷくかんをかんじます。
I have a sudden sharp pain in the pit of my stomach.
きゅうに、みぞおちが はげしくいたむんです。
You may have a gastric ulcer. I would like you to take a test with a gastro-camera.
いかいようの うたがいがあるので、いカメラで しらべてみましょう。
I've noticed a lump in my stomach.
いのあたりに かたいしこりがあります。
I'm really worried that I have a malignant tumor.
あくせいしゅようではないかと しんぱいでしんぱいで。
I've had chronic gastritis for quite some time.
まんせいいえんで ながねんくるしんでいます。
My father died of stomach cancer 20 years ago.
ちちおやが20ねんまえに いがんでなくなっています。
Is it hereditary?
A conversation between a patient and a doctor about stomach pain, sore stomach
It appears that there are many Japanese people who suffer from stomach pain whenever they have something to worry about. Is there such a thing that some people or some types of constitution are affected easily?
It may surprise you, but people who suffer from stomach pain are not limited to the Japanese. Especially, people all over the world have suffered from gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer for a long time. Accordingly, there have been many studies and many medications that are effective.
Recent studies have found the relationship between gastroduodenal ulcer and one bacterium. The prevalence of gastritis and gastroduodenal ulcer tends to decrease with the advancement of public health. Hereditary constitution may be explained by that finding.
My two cents 一言おせっかい
It has been made clear that cleanliness leads to the prevention of gastric ulcer and subsequently, stomach cancer. We should keep in mind that, for the most part, disease prevention is in fact very easy.