This page has usage examples for the following words:
gums 歯茎 しけい
liniment, ointment 塗り薬 ぬりぐすり
liquid medicine 水薬 みずぐすり
molar(s)/a back tooth, back teeth 奥歯 おくば
over the counter medicine 処方箋なしの薬 しょほうせんなしのくすり
pain killer, pain medicine, pain reliever 痛み止め薬 いたみどめくすり
pharmacy 薬局 やっきょく
soft gel ソフトゼル錠 ソフトゼルじょう
tablets 錠剤 じょうざい
throb with pain ずきずき痛む ずきずきいたむ
toothache 歯痛 しつう はいた

I have had a terrible toothache since the night before last.
おとといのよるから、(おくばが)ズキズキうずいて がまんができません。
It's so painful that I can't chew food.
いたくて たべものを かむことができません。
I applied a cold compress to my jaw.
こおりで したあごをひやしました。
Which is more effective on gums, tablets or liniment?
They all have the same name on the label. What are the difference?
Is the shape the only difference?
Do they work in different ways?
どのように こうかがちがいますか?
A conversation between a patient and a doctor about
pain killer, pain medicine, pain reliever
In the dead of the night a few days ago, I had a sudden ache in the left molar. The following day, a sharp pain spread to the left jaw, neck and shoulder. I decided to buy a pain medicine at the pharmacy. I felt a little uneasy to buy a pain medicine that was suitable to me, out of the many pain medicines displayed on the shelves at the pharmacy.
As you mentioned, many same-looking medicines are displayed at pharmacies. Take a look at the outer box, which says “for cold”, “for cough”, “for flu”, “for sinus” and so forth. If this is the first time that you take medicine sold in the US, buy a medicine that says regular strength. The standard of drug manufacture varies by countries, and average body size also differs by countries. It is not advisable to take medications of extra strength just because you are having severe pain. If you are taking other medications for some chronic diseases, or you are allergic to aspirin or any medication, you should consult your doctor before taking new medications. Even if the medication is of regular strength, overdose is still dangerous. Furthermore, the permissible highest dose (for example, 6 tabs a day) written on the outer box is not necessarily applicable to everybody.
おっしゃる通り、薬局の棚には、同じ様な薬がずらりと並んでいて、驚かされます。しかし、箱の表書きを読むと、COLD(風邪用) COUGH(咳用)FLU(インフルエンザ用)SINUS(いわゆる鼻ずまり用)等と書いてあります。米国製の鎮痛剤が初めてという方なら、regular strength(普通の強さ)のをお使いになった方がよいでしょう。国によって薬剤製造の基準が違いますし、体格も違いますので、痛いからといって、すぐ、extra strength(特に強い)はお薦めできません。又、持病で日頃服用なさっている方やアスピリンにアレルギーのある方は、前もって医師にご相談なさって下さい。regular strengthの薬でも飲み過ぎは危険です。さらに、制限量(たとえば、一日6錠まで)が指示されていても、その量までは誰にでも安全というわけではないことを心得ておきましょう。
My two cents 一言おせっかい
Pain medicines should be among household medicine, but examine them now and then, to be sure that they are within expiration dates.
痛み止め薬は常備薬として必要ですが、期限外にならないように、 EXP 4/09('09年の4月まで有効)を時々チェックしましょう。