This page has usage examples for the following words:

account number 登録番号 とうろくばんごう
balance 残高 ざんだか
charges 請求額 せいきゅうがく
DX X-RAY レントゲン撮影 レントゲンさつえい
EKG 心電図 しんでんず
IV Therapy 静脈点滴 じょうみゃくてんてき
insurance payments 医療保険支払額 いりょうほけんしはらいがく
LAB 検査 けんさ
MED-SUR SUPPLIES 医療材料費 いりょうざいりょうひ
pharmacy 薬剤 やくざい
R & B 病室費 びょうしつひ
statements, medical bills 医療請求書 いりょうせいきゅうしょ
I am calling regarding statements I received.
せいきゅうしょのことで おたずねします。
Your last name and account number, please.
How are my insurances paying?
わたしのいりょうほけんは しはらわれましたか?

No, not yet but you can wait for a while.
まだです。もうしばらく おまちください。
How long does it usually take?
It usually takes 2 weeks.
Next month's statement should show the amount insurances paid.
らいげつのせいきゅうしょに ほけんしはらいがくがかかれます。
So, I should pay the balance after the insurance payment.
それでは、ほけんしはらいのあとの ざんがくをしはらえばよいですね。
A conversation between a patient and a doctor about statements, medical bills
The other day, my husband complained of chest pain at night. I took him to the emergency room of a hospital. An emergency room doctor as well as an internist examined him. X-ray and EKG were taken and blood tests were performed. He ended up being hospitalized for 3 days. One week after he was discharged from the hospital, medical bills began to arrive every day. They are from the emergency room, the internist, the radiologist and so forth. I am confused. Where should I begin?
先日、夫が夜間に胸痛(chest pain)を訴えたので、病院の救急室(Emergency room)へ連れて行きました。救急医の他、内科専門医の診察の後、レントゲン写真や心電図、血液検査(Blood Test)をとられ、結局、3日入院するはめになりました。1週間ほどして、請求書(Medical bill)が次々に送られて来ました。病院の救急室、救急医、内科専門医、放射線科と、別々で、混乱してしまいました。どこから手をつけてよいのか分かりません。
It is understandable for you to feel hurried and have no time for recuperation. However, the task of bill paying is not as difficult as you may think. Whenever you find problems, you can call up senders of bills and ask question until they are cleared. Medical bills show many special words, many of which are abbreviated. All you have to do is to know what they mean.

My two cents 一言おせっかい
Experience is the mother of wisdom.