This page has usage examples for the following words:
autonomic disorders 自律神経失調症 じりつしんけいしっちょうしょう
feeling of stuffiness in the ear 耳が詰まった感じ みみがつまったかんじ
high (low) atmospheric (barometric) pressure
高気圧・低気圧 こうきあつ・ていきあつ
lack of sleep 睡眠不足 すいみんぶそく
leg gets swollen 足がむくむ あしがむくむ
Lips become chapped 唇がかさつく くちびるがかさつく
motion sickness 乗り物酔い のりものよい
airsickness(飛行機 ひこうき) carsickness(車 くるま) seasickness(船 ふね)
Skin becomes rough 肌が荒れる はだがあれる
tinnitis/ringing in the ears 耳鳴り みみなり
to be jet lagged 時差ボケ じさぼけ
to break into a cold sweat 冷や汗が出て来る ひやあせがでてくる
to feel nauseous むかつく
I feel tired because I'm jet lagged.
じさボケのせいで あたまがボーッとしてます。
I haven't slept enough and I am not at my best.
すいみんぶそくで あたまがはたらかなくて・・・
There was a lot of turbulence and I felt nauseous.
ひこうきがゆれたので よったみたいです。ムカムカします。
I was confined to my seat for many hours. My legs became (were) swollen.
ざせきに ちょうじかんすわりっぱなしで、あしがむくんでしまいました。

My skin and lips feel chapped.
なんとなく はだとくちびるが かさついて・・・
My ears are stuffed up and are painful.
A conversation between a patient and a doctor about the jet-lag
It is important to be in good condition after long hours of air travel, especially if it is a short stay at a destination. I would like to give some advices to my friends who visit Hawaii so that their trip won’t end while they are feeling jet-lagged.
It is certainly hard to combat jet-lag. While we know it is important to avoid overwork before a trip in order to be in the best condition, we tend to do more than usual in preparation for the trip, and then, run to the airport to catch the plane. There is some advice you can give your friends: wear clothes and shoes you are comfortable in, take an air cushion or pillow to help you sleep in the plane, do stretching exercises while sitting. If you have circulatory disorders, wear supportive stockings to avoid stagnation of blood flow. If you take blood pressure medicine, you should consult your doctor before a trip.
時差ボケ対策には頭を悩まされます。出発時は出来るだけ無理を避け、絶好調で臨みたいのは分かっていても、仕事その他、どうしても空港へ駆けつけるといった場面が多いようです。日頃、着慣れた服装で行く、空気枕を持参して機上での眠りを助ける、座ったままでも出来る屈伸運動をすることの他、循環器系の持病のある方は、supportive stockings(伸縮性のある靴下)をはくことにより血行の停滞を出来るだけ避けることも大切です。降圧剤等を服用されている方は主治医にご相談なさることをお勧めします。

My two cents 一言おせっかい
There's nothing worse than getting sick away from home.