This page has usage examples for the following words:
angina pectoris 狭心症 きょうしんしょう
bypass operation, bypass surgery バイパス手術 バイパスしゅじゅつ
chest pain 胸痛 きょうつう
cardiac disease, heart disease 心臓病 しんぞうびょう
cardiac arrest heart failure 心臓麻痺 しんぞうまひ
Cardiologist 心臓専門医 しんぞうせんもんい
dyspnea 呼吸困難 こきゅうこんなん
heart attack 心臓発作 しんぞうほっさ
ischemic heart disease 虚血性心臓病 きょけつせいしんぞうびょう
myocardial infarction 心筋梗塞 しんきんこうそく

I experienced (had) a sharp chest pain while playing golf.
ゴルフをしていて、しんぞうに さすような げきつうが はしりました。
When the pain subsided within ___minutes, I continued to play.
〇〇ふんくらいで おさまったので、そのあとも、つづけてプレイしました。
I have had two bypass surgeries.
かこに、バイパスしゅじゅつを 2かいしています。
My father had a heart attack and almost died.
ちちが しんきんこうそくの いっぽてまえで いのちびろいをしました。
Now, he tends to stay indoors because he's depressed.
My heart palpitates and I am out of the breath after even the mildest exercise.
かるいうんどうをしただけで、どうきがはげしくなって いきぎれがします。
I am worried that I have serious heart disease.
しんぞうに じゅうだいな びょうきが ひそんでいるのではないかと しんぱいで・・・
Have you experienced any particular symptom?
これまでに なにかちょうこうがありましたか?
A conversation between a patient and a doctor about ischemic heart disease
An acquaintance who was in early old age and very active, physically and socially, passed away due to heart disease. I can hardly believe that he is dead because he looked so healthy.
Judging from his age, it appears that he died of ischemic heart disease. Ischemic heart disease occurs when the heart itself is not supplied with sufficient blood. The disease is the major cause of deaths in developed countries. He must have had some symptoms such as chest pain and dyspnea in the past, but they were so mild that he didn’t pay particular attention. In fact, some people have no symptoms. When chest pain lasts longer, myocardial infarction is the most possible. What is the most critical is to receive medical attention within 1 hour of the occurrence of chest pain. Needless to say, it is important to have regular physical checkups (particularly, blood pressure, body weight and blood tests), avoid smoking and do proper amount of exercise.

My two cents 一言おせっかい
Expressions such as faint-hearted and to lose one’s heart show that we owe the heart a lot.
気弱いを、faint-hearted 、或いは、気後れするを、lost one's heart と表現しますね。