This page has usage examples for the following words:
allergic rhinitis アレルギー性鼻炎 アレルギーせいびえん
common cold 普通の風邪 ふつうのかぜ
cough 咳 せき
drugs for cold, cough, influenza 風邪用(かぜよう)、せき用、インフルエンザ用
nasal mucus 鼻水 はなみず
over the counter drugs 処方箋なし薬
pharmacist 薬剤師 やくざいし
prescription drugs 処方箋薬 しょほうせんやく
rhinitis 鼻炎 びえん
sneeze, sneezing くしゃみ
stuffy nose 鼻づまり はなづまり
I can't adapt quickly to changing weather or temperature.
きおんやしつおんのへんかに からだがすぐにじゅんのうできません。
Cold air makes my nose itchy and makes me sneeze a lot.
つめたいくうきをすうと はながムズムズしてきて、くしゃみをれんぱつします。
After serveral sneezes, my eyes get watery and red.

My nose starts running too.
どうじに はなみずもでます。
I make sure I gargle a few times every day.
I have the same symptom all year round.
このようなしょうじょうを ねんじゅうくりかえしています。
I just take cold medicines when it becomes uncomfortable.
My nose gets stuffy especially in the early morning when it's cooler. I feel stuffed up.
すいみんちゅう、あさがたになって きおんがひくくなると はなづまりがして、いきぐるしくなります。
I try to avoid taking medications while working as they make me sleepy.
しごとちゅうにねむくなるので、くすりは きょくりょく のまないようにしています。

A conversation between a patient and a doctor about sneezing
“Sneezing suddenly, several times, followed by runny nose and tears, makes me uncomfortable.” “Breathing gets difficult because of a stuffy nose.” “Cough starts suddenly and doesn’t stop.” I have such symptoms repeatedly throughout the year. I think they appear because I have allergic rhinitis or caught a common cold. I just take over-the-counter drugs.
All of us catch cold (with runny nose and cough) or suffer from allergic rhinitis one time or another. We know most of the time what causes these conditions, for example, lack of sleep due to overwork or high pollen count. While sneezing and coughing prove that the body’s defense mechanism is functioning, these symptoms may progress to airway infections when the body is not in optimum health. If you have such symptoms as stuffy nose and runny nose at certain times of year or after eating certain foods, you may be allergic to certain things (i. e., allergen). Although you can try to avoid allergens, you would benefit from seeing an allergy specialist. With air conditioning and other modern inventions, physical adjustment is getting harder and harder and thus, paying close attention to daily life becomes even more important.

My two cents 一言おせっかい
If you have no time to go see a doctor and need medication quickly, you can purchase over-the-counter preparations of regular strength. If you have experienced hypersensitivity to drugs in the past, you should consult your doctor.
「医師のところへ行く時間がない、ともかく薬を!」という場合は、regular strength とパッケージに書かれた薬から始められた方が安全でしょう。過去に、薬に対して、敏感症の経験のあった方は、医師に相談なさることをお勧めします。