This page has usage examples for the following words:
antibody 抗体 こうたい
antigen 抗原 こうげん
(AIDS) Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome エイズ
gargle うがいをする
HIV (Human Immune-deficiency Virus) ヒト免疫不全ウイルス
immunity 免疫 めんえき
lymphocyte リンパ球 リンパきゅう
resistance, strength 抵抗力 ていこうりょく
T cell, B cell T細胞 B細胞 Tさいぼう Bさいぼう
vaccination 予防接種 よぼうせっしゅ
virus ビールス

My daugter comes down with a cold a few times every year, and seems to have different symptoms each time.

I can't shake this cold. My nose is plugged up and I can hardly breathe.

My husband must have built up an immunity to colds. He's never caught a cold.
おっとは かぜのビールスにたいして めんえきがあるのか、びょうきしらずで すごしています。

Gargle and wash your hands well when you come home from outside.

There's a bad cold going around this year. A vaccination is recommended.
ことしは あくせいのかぜがはやっているので、よぼうちゅうしゃをうけてください。

A conversation between a patient and a doctor about immunity
As the weather is getting cooler, the number of people who catch a cold increases even in Hawaii. It will be a good idea to build up resistance to diseases by training daily.


Since the AIDS epidemic, we often hear words such as immunity, antibody and resistance. These words concern the defense mechanism of the body against invaders (represented by antigen and bacteria). Briefly, when you contract a disease, the body memorizes it and resists the second time. This is called immunity. The principal body of immunity resides in lymphocytes, a member of the white blood cell family. Among many types of lymphocytes, T cells and B cells are the major lymphocytes, which produce antibody in response to antigen, leading to the destruction of antigen. When we are physically compromised, the above described defense mechanism fails to function, and we become sick.



My two cents 一言おせっかい
You can't appreciate the blessing of health until you lose it.

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