This page has usage examples for the following words:

a swab(cotton swab) 綿棒 めんぼう
bacteria バクテリア
earache 耳の痛み みみのいたみ
ear wax 耳あか みみあか
earlobe 耳たぶ みみたぶ
eardrum 鼓膜 こまく
earpick 耳かき みみかき
ear plug 耳栓 みみせん
ear drop 耳の薬(外用) みみのくすり(がいよう)
ear and nose specialist 耳鼻咽喉科医 じびいんこうか
infection 感染 かんせん
inner ear 内耳 ないじ
middle of the ear 中耳 ちゅうじ
outer ear 外耳 がいじ
preventive solution 予防液 よぼうえき
ringing, tinnitus 耳鳴り みみなり
suppuration 化膿 かのう
I felt that there was some wax in my ear.
みみに、みみあかか なにかが つまっているようなかんじがしました。
When I put a swab in my ear canal, some yellow liquid came out.
めんぼうを入れてみると しめったきいろっぽい えきたいのものが でてきました。
I went swimming before the incident and some water may have gotten in my ear.
すいえいをしたので、みみのなかに みずがのこっていたのかもしれません。
Is my ear infected?
ばいきんがはいって かのうしたのでしょうか。
My ear aches when I tilt my head a certain way or when I touch around it.
あたまを あるいっていのほうこうに かたむけたり、みみのまわりを さわったりすると、いたみがあります。
When I pull my earlobe, my ear hurts.
みみたぶを ほんのすこし ひっぱっただけでも、いたいです。
How often should I use the ear drops?
みみのくすりは、どのくらいのかんかくで つかえばいいですか。
A conversation between a patient and a doctor about earache
After swimming in the ocean, I feel something in my ears and it hurts. Water may have gotten in my ear. When I insert a cotton swab in the ear, the swab feels wet and unclean.
The moist external auditory canal (the outer ear canal) is a very favorable place for bacteria. In addition, scratching the ear canal with a nail or a swab can cause infection. If you feel the ear canal painful and itchy, your ear canal is infected. The ear canal of people who swim often tends to be moist. It is recommended to use ear plugs or apply a few drops of lotion after swimming to prevent infections. After washing hair or taking a shower, just wipe with tissue papers the opening and around ears. Using a cotton swab after every washing of hair and shower is not recommended. When you feel something in your ears, do not insert a cotton swab in the ear. It may be dangerous. You should see your doctor or an ear and nose specialist.

My two cents 一言おせっかい
If you are not paying attention, you may miss something important.
Go in one ear and out the other.