This page has usage examples for the following words:

acute eruptive infectious (contagious) disease
急性発疹性伝染病 きゅうせいほっしんせいでんせんびょう
aftereffects 後遺症 こういしょう
herpes ヘルペス (ハーピーズ)
latency 潜伏期 せんぷくき
measles はしか
pus 膿 うみ
rash, eruption 発疹 はっしん
rubella, German measles 風疹 ふうしん
scab かさぶた
scar 瘢痕 はんこん
virus ウイルス(ヴァイラス)
varicella, chickenpox, water pox 水疱瘡(水痘) みずぼうそう(すいとう)
My face and head became itchy and then rashes appeared all over my body.
I never had chickenpox as a child.
ちいさいときに みずぼうそうにかかっていません。
Is this disease contagious to my family members?
このびょうきは かぞくのものにうつりますか。
I have a raised rash and pus comes out of it.
Some rashes are dried and scabbed. Can I peel them off?
Don’t they become scars?
I heard that chickenpox may affect reproductive organs. Is that true?
せいしょくきかんにこういしょうがのこる かのうせいがあるということをききましたが だいじょうぶでしょうか。
Do I have any aftereffects in my internal argans?
ないぞうに なにかこういしょうがのこっていませんか。

A conversation between a patient and a doctor about
varicella, chickenpox, water pox
I am a 27-year-old single woman. Recently, I contracted chickenpox. I thought that chickenpox was a child’s disease. Obviously, I did not have it in my childhood. Fever and rash gave me a psychological shock. Please explain the process, from the latency, onset to cure, and aftereffects on skin and internal organs.
Varicella, the scientific name of chickenpox, is a contagious disease caused by a virus called varicella-zoster virus (VZV). Approximately 90% of patients are younger than 9 years old. The disease spreads through breathing, i. e., cough and sneeze, or direct contact with open wounds. The VZV also causes herpes zoster. The “ zoster” means band and “herpes” means blister. Hence, herpes zoster is an inflammatory disease with many small water blisters appearing on the skin surface. The latency (duration between contracting virus and the onset) of chickenpox is 10 to 11 days. Blisters appear first, followed by cold-like symptoms, headache and fever. Whereas children usually get well in 7 to 10 days, adults may develop pneumonia and encephalitis.
みずぼうそう(水疱瘡)、又は、水痘、チキンポックス (chickenpox) は、学名で varicellaと呼ばれ、varicella-zoster virus (VZV) というウィルスによっておこされる伝染性の病気です。この病気にかかる人の9割は9才以下の小児です。呼吸器を介して(咳、くしゃみ等)、或いは、開放性の傷口に、直接、接触することによってうつります。上記の VZV は帯状疱疹 (herpes zoster) もおこします。zoster は帯状のことで、herpes は疱疹(小水疹が集合して皮膚表面に発現する炎症性疾患)を意味します。チキンポックスの潜伏期(感染してから症状が現われるまでの期間)は11~20日で、まず水痘が現れて、続いて感冒様の症状、頭痛、発熱が出ます。小児では、普通、7~10日で治癒しますが、成人では、時として、肺炎や脳炎の症状を引きおこすこともあります。
My two cents 一言おせっかい
Ever since vaccination has become a general knowledge, it appears that less attention is paid to once-feared childhood diseases. It may be a good idea to investigate the individual’s history of childhood diseases.