This page has usage examples for the following words:

bruise あざ・打ち身 あざ・うちみ
crutch 松葉杖 まつばづえ
ligament 靱帯 じんたい
orthopedic surgery 整形外科 せいけいげか
orthopedic surgeon 整形外科医 せいけいげかい
plaster cast ギブス
sprain 捻挫 ねんざ
sprain くじく
swelling 腫れ はれ
tissue 組織 そしき
I sprained my right(left) ankle while playing Frisbee.
フリスビーをして あしをくじきました。
I felt a sharp pain at that time, but it subsided.
The ankle is swollen and bruised badly.
あしくびがはれて ひどいあざになっています。
It's painful to walk.
あるくと あしくびがいたみます。
Did it fracture or was it just sprained?
骨が折れていますか? それとも捻挫だけですか?
ほねがおれていますか? それとも ねんざだけですか?
An X-ray showed no fracture, but two ligaments might be torn.
レントゲンしゃしんのけっか、こっせつはありませんが、じんたい2ほんを はそんしているようです。
How long will it take before I can walk normally?
どのくらいで もとどうりにあるけますか?
Can I return to sports?
スポーツも いままでどうりにできますか?
A conversation between a patient and a doctor about the sprain
The other day, I was playing Frisbee with close friends, as we often do. Then, I lost my footing over a small hole in the ground. A sharp pain ran through my ankle. As the pain subsided in a few minute, I left it untreated and began walking. About an hour later, the ankle started swelling a great deal. I finally went to see a doctor a few days later. I was told that I had inured a tendon. My ankle looked terrible then, and I was scolded by the doctor for waiting so long.
The joint is supported by strong fibrous connective tissues called ligaments. Tendons insert around ligaments to the bone. When powerful external force, such as in a sprain, is added on the joint, the tendon is damaged. Bones may also be fractured. The joint may not be swollen right after injury, and we often leave a sprain untreated. However, exudates and blood begin to accumulate in the joint. Injuries to tendons most often occur in the ankle. Keep in mind that you apply icepack within 24 hours of injury and hot pack/warm compress thereafter. The ankle is an important joint to support the body. You should be seen without delay by your doctor, or preferably an orthopedic surgeon, or in the emergency outpatient clinic, if it is late in the day.

My two cents 一言おせっかい
Within 24 hours use an icepack, after that use a hotpack