This page has usage examples for the following words:

a boil, boils できもの
a hard lump, hard lumps しこり(グリグリ)
breast cancer 乳癌 にゅうがん
family history 家族歴 かぞくれき
female hormones 女性ホルモン じょせいホルモン
gene testing 遺伝子検査 いでんしけんさ
hormone replacement therapy ホルモン代用療法
lymph gland リンパ腺l リンパせん
mammary gland 乳腺 にゅうせん
mammography マンモグラフィー
乳房造影法 にゅうぼうぞうえいほう
metastasis 転移 てんい
obstetrics and gynecology(OB-GYN) 産婦人科 さんふじんか
palpation 触診 しょくしん
tumor 腫瘍 しゅよう
I have a few family members who had breast cancer.
しんぞくににゅうがんになったものが すうにんいます。
I have learned that a family history is important.
かぞくれきが じゅうようであるとしりました。
I would like to have genetic tests for breast cancer performed.
にゅうがんに かんけいある いでんしのけんさを きぼうします。
Is there anything I can do to prevent breast cancer?
にゅうがんに ならないために こじんで できることがありますか。
I’ve heard that there is a drug that prevents breast cancer for people with a positive family history.
にゅうがんのかぞくれきがあっても にゅうがんをふせぐくすりがあるとききました。
I had a mammogram about 6 months ago.
はんとしまえぐらいに マンモグラフィーのけんさをしました。
I was told that the test was negative at that time.
そのときは いじょうなしといわれました。
I had hormone replacement therapy for 15 years, and discontinued it 5 years ago.
ホルモンだいようりょうほうを 15ねんつづけたあと、5ねんまえにやめました。
A conversation between a patient and a doctor about breast cancer
I understand that with the advancement of science, there are new methods of detection and treatment of breast cancer.
Because of advancement in molecular biology and gene science, genes that are responsible for breast cancer have been identified, and research on cancer cells made it possible to choose drugs that are effective. Among risk factors of breast cancer, age, family history and alcohol consumption have been established. Measures against these risk factors have also been improved, such as mammography, gene testing and life style modification. While, in the past, radical mastectomy was the only option, it now is possible to have lumpectomy.
