This page has usage examples for the following words:
ambulance 救急車 きゅうきゅうしゃ
amount due 請求額(患者の支払い額) せいきゅうがく(かんじゃのしはらいがく)
being unconscious 意識不明である いしきふめいである
chest pain 胸痛 きょうつう(むねのいたみ)
consciousness 意識 いしき
convulsion 痙攣 けいれん
emergency room 救急室 きゅうきゅうしつ
medical cost 医療費 いりょうひ
medical insurance 医療保険 いりょうほけん
Call 911. My husband is unconscious.
911に でんわしてください。おっとが いしきふめいです。

My husband's having a convulsion.
おっとが けいれんをおこしています。
Send an ambulance right away, please.
すぐに きゅうきゅうしゃをおくってください。
Our medical insurance is through his employment.
わたくしどもの いりょうほけんは、しゅじんのこようさきからのものです。
I'll send you our medical insurance forms by fax.
わたくしどもの いりょうほけんしょは、ファックスでおくります。

I heard the other day that my friend’s husband was brought in to the emergency room. Later, my friend explained the circumstance. One night, he suddenly gave a groan and became unconscious. My friend phoned 911. The Emergency crew came over to their house right away. When her husband regained consciousness, he was brought in to the emergency room of a local hospital, where an emergency room doctor and an internist examined him. CT scan was performed. Thereafter, he was transported by a helicopter to the medical center where a neurologist and other specialists were available. Fortunately, he was discharged in good health from the medical center. Now, one week later, a few medical bills started to come in. Emergencies such as this happen to all of us. I think it is important to be prepared for situations like this.
先日、友人のご主人が救急室に運ばれたとのことで、事情をたずねてみると、夜間、突然うめき声を発し、意識不明になられたそうです。友人はともかく911に電話して救急隊員を呼び、意識がもどった段階で救急室に運ばれました。そこで、救急医、更に、内科医に診察を受け、CTスキャンを取られました。その結果、神経内科、外科医のいる専門病院にヘリコプターで運搬されたとのことです。幸いにも専門病院からも退院出来ましたが、1週間後に請求書(medical bill)が次々に送られて来ているとのことです。こういった緊急の事態は、だれにもおこりうることですので、ぜひこの際、少しでも心構えをしておきたいと思います。
Unlike in the old days when medical knowledge was something unavailable to the general public, medical information is nowadays easily obtainable through TV and the Internet. Thus, it becomes inexcusable not to have some medical knowledge. It is extremely important to be prepared for at least an emergency. First, when you phone 911, say clearly your name and address. Next, describe concisely the condition of a patient, for example, he/she is unconscious, complaining of chest pain or having a seizure. Also, at the emergency room, describe plainly to a doctor what happened. The most important thing to keep in mind will be to keep cool even though you are in a difficult situation.
The first medical bill you receive usually shows the whole cost before insurance payments. Just wait for the bills which show insurance payments. If you realize that your insurance company is not yet billed, notify the sender of bills of your insurer’s name. When you have any questions, phone the hospital and your insurance company until you solve the problems.

My two cents 一言おせっかい
If you have any other insurance such as disability insurance, make sure to follow through proceedings.