This page has usage examples for the following words:
antibiotics 抗生物質 こうせいぶっしつ
contact dermatitis 接触性皮膚炎 せっしょくせいひふえん
eczema 湿疹 しっしん
ointment ねり薬 ねりぐすり
oral medicine 飲み薬 のみぐすり
over the counter medicine 処方箋なしの薬 しょほうせんなしのくすり
pharmacy 薬局 やっきょく
prescription drug 処方薬 しょほうやく
rash 皮膚のかぶれ ひふのかぶれ
I have a rash behind my ears where the stems of my glasses touch my skin.
The skin is raw. Sometimes, there is a discharge, and at other times, it gets dry and the skin peels.
ひふがきれてしるがでたり、かんそうしてうすいかわがむけたりを くりかえしています。
The skin behind my ears gets red and is hot to the touch.
みみのうしろが あかくなって、ねつをもっています。
I wash the area behind my ear and keep it clean.
いつも よくあらって、せいけつにしています。
But, the symptoms have been going on for about a month.
しかし、このしょうじょうが いっかげつくらい つづいています。
I had this problem once before, several months ago.
It continued for about a month, and then, it healed.
いっかげつくらいで なおりました。
But, about a month ago, it started again and has not gone away.
いっかげつまえから またでて、きえません。
Would it be better if I wore contact lenses?
コンタクトレンズに したほうが よいでしょうか。
I’m not taking any medicine right now.
いま、くすりは なにものんでいません。
I don’t have any other health problems that I know of.
A conversation between a patient and a doctor about contact dermatitis
The area of skin where the temples of eyeglasses touch is either open and wet or dry and scabby. I have had these symptoms for about one month. The area above and behind the ear is red and warm. Although I don’t have these symptoms all the time, they tend to persist once they appear. My doctor told me that I had contact dermatitis and prescribed antibiotics and a steroid ointment.
Contact dermatitis is, as the name indicates, a skin disease which occurs when the skin comes in contact with various substances. The disease is said to be the most prevalent among disorders of the skin. In most cases, the substance that causes contact dermatitis can be identified by questioning the patient, and the dermatitis is cured by removing the causal substance. Steroids are effective for subacute and chronic contact dermatitis. However, the long-term use of steroids may cause unwanted side effects, such as skin atrophy and angiotelectasia, and should be administered only under physician’s guidance.

My two cents 一言おせっかい
You may try to wear contact lenses replacing eyeglasses for the purpose of removing the causal substance.