This page has usage examples for the following words:
belly button おへそ
birth certificate 出生証明書 しゅっせいしょうめいしょ
breast milk 母乳 ぼにゅう
bowel movement 排便 はいべん
blood in the stool 血便 けつべん
be constipated 便秘している べんぴしている
constipation 便秘 べんぴ
childbirth 出産 しゅっさん
contagious diseases 伝染病 でんせんびょう
diarrhea 下痢 げり
listless ぐったりして元気がない ぐったりしてげんきがない
mammary gland 乳腺 にゅうせん
nipple 乳首 ちくび
(nursing) bottle 哺乳瓶 ほにゅうびん
rash on his/her face 顔のぶつぶつ かおのぶつぶつ
soft stool 軟らかい便 やわらかいべん
spitting up milk ミルクを吐く ミルクをはく
tummy(ハワイ語 opu) お腹(幼児の) おなか(ようじの)
vomiting milk 勢いよく吐く いきおいよくはく

I am constantly tired because I have to nurse my baby and change his/her diapers all day and night.
あかちゃんのじゅにゅうと おしめのこうかんのため、すいみんぶそくがつづいています。
Since giving birth, I feel jittery and irritated worrying about my baby.
しゅっさんご、あかちゃんのことが しろくじちゅう、きになって、つかれてイライラします。
Am I getting anxious from nursing?
My baby looks listless and seems slower than other babies.
うちのこは、いつもぐったりしているようです。ほかのおこさんとくらべて うちのこのはんのうがにぶいようにおもうのですが。
I am worried that my baby may have some birth defects.
のうかないぞうの なにかに けっかんがあるのではないかと しんぱいです。
My month-and-a-half-year-old son keeps crying. It is the first time he has done that.
My baby hasn't had a bowel movement for two days.

A conversation between a patient and a doctor about childbirth
A couple I know well had twin babies recently. Here, I have expressions concerning nursing mothers and baby’s health.
New mothers who return home with new babies have to face big tasks of raising children. The first 4 weeks are not easy, because new babies have to adjust to the world outside a safe womb. New mothers have to trust baby’s life force. Remember all babies are not the same.
My two cents 一言おせっかい
In Hawaii, people have a big party to celebrate the one-year birthday. This shows how difficult the first year has been. Try not think that your baby alone has some misfortune. It is a three-legged race by mother and child.
