This page has usage examples for the following words:

heart beat 心拍 しんぱく
irregular pulse 脈拍の乱れ みゃくはくのみだれ
I've had some irregular heartbeats.
みゃくに みだれがあります。
When did you first notice an irregular heartbeat?
Do they last long or only for a short time?
I noticed it when I lay down at night.
よる、しゅうしんじに きがつきます。
I felt my chest pounding when I drive on the freeway.
フリー・ウェイで くるまをうんてんしているとき、むねがドキドキしました。
Do you take any medication regularly?
くすりを なにかじょうようしていますか。
Yes, I've been taking thyroid medicine everyday for a few years.
ここすうねん、こうじょうせんのくすりを まいにちのんでいます。
Do you feel any chest pains when you have irregular heartbeats
A conversation between a patient and a doctor about irregular pulse
There are times when I suddenly feel palpitation or have arrhythmia, making me nervous. If it happens at night when everything is quiet, I can’t sleep because of worries. What causes irregular heartbeats?
We become conscious of respiration and heartbeat only when there are some abnormalities. Statistically, it is said that one in every 5 healthy male adults experiences abnormal heartbeats at least once a day. While heartbeat is controlled by the conduction system in the heart, any of the following contributes to the mechanism of arrhythmia (irregular heartbeats); the autonomic nervous system, neuroendocrine system, myocardial ischemia, drugs and hemodynamic stresses. For those people who’ve been taking drugs for thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus or asthma, it is important to follow the physician’s instructions. If you have experienced arrhythmia, it is recommended to consult a cardiologist.
My two cents 一言おせっかい
When we encounter things unexpectedly and are startled, it is expressed “My heart skipped a beat.”
For the purpose of finding accurately how arrhythmias occur, patients are told to wear the Holter EKG for 24 hours. The device processes electronically various information concerning heartbeats. “Seeing is believing.”
思いがけない事に出会って「あーっ、驚いた!」と、胸がドキッとする時の表現として、"My heart missed a beat." 「脈が飛んだ」と云うのがあります。
不整脈の起こり方を正確に知る目的で、電池付きの心電図計(Holter EKG)を24時間携帯するように指示されることがあります。一日の総脈拍数を含めて、あらゆる情報がコンピューターで処理されます。百聞は一見にしかずと云う訳です。 Seeing is believing.
