This page has usage examples for the following words:

dehydration 脱水症状 だっすいしょうじょう
dehydrated 脱水症状の だっすいしょうじょうの
disinfect 消毒 しょうどく
disinfectant 消毒剤 しょうどくざい
E.Coli 大腸菌 だいちょうきん
epidemic 伝染病 でんせんびょう
food poisoning 食中毒 しょくちゅうどく
food poisoning outbreak 集団食中毒 しょくちゅうどく
infection 感染 かんせん
infection route 感染経路 かんせんけいろ
prevention 予防 よぼう
quarantine 隔離 かくり
source of infections 感染源 かんせんげん
Salmonella サルモネラ菌
shigella 赤痢菌 せきりきん
My son may have food-poisoning.
I heard that a new food poisoning is going around and I'm worried.
It is said that complications develop after a while.
しょうじょうがながびくと ほかのびょうきを へいはつするとききました。
Is my son all right?
I'm not sure what the source of the infections is.
かんせんげんが なにであるか おもいあたりません。
Did he eat any meat that was stored improperly?
We might have left some hamburger out of the ice box too long.
ハンバーガーのにくをれいぞうこからだして そのままにしていたかもしれません。
It is important to wash hands frequently during food prepararion.
ちょうりちゅうは てをこまめにあらうことがたいせつです。
A conversation between a patient and a doctor about food poisoning
First, there was the bean sprout poisoning outbreak in Japan several years ago. Then, this year (2009) we had new food poisoning outbreaks of spinach and peanut butter in the U.S. These yearly food poisoning outbreaks remind us that we must be vigilant in cleaning foods and hygiene in our daily lives. As there is an expression “Someone had food poisoning,” food poisoning can be mild or serious, and I think that early treatment is important in either case.
We often hear the saying “Produce and consume where you live”. While the movement began aiming at reducing energy use, it also has an advantage of knowing where foods are produced. As foods are mass-produced, and a distribution system has been developed, we often eat foods without knowing where they came from or are produced. Although food safety is regulated strictly by the public health agencies, the truth is that such agencies are overloaded. Individual consumers must pay close attention to food preparation, for example, chicken and vegetables should not be prepared using the same chopping board. Frequent hand washing and cleaning of cooking utensils is essential.
If you, unfortunately, come down with severe abdominal pain and bloody stool, seek immediate medical help. Supplementing body fluid is the key.
My two cents 一言おせっかい
Keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold.
This may sound like a simple thing to do. But, we often ignore and neglect it.