This page has usage examples for the following words:

athlete's foot 水虫 みずむし
flea 蚤 のみ
itchy 痒い かゆい
impetigo 膿痂疹 のうかしん
lice 虱 しらみ
mite ダニ
ringworm 白癬 はくせん
scabies 疥癬 かいせん
scratch 掻く かく

My daughter says her head is itchy and keeps scratching.
むすめが あたまがかゆいといって かきつづけています。
She is irritated.
I have found nits and lice on my daughter's head.
My son has a red, itchy sore on his arm.
むすこのうでに あかくかゆいきずがあります。
My son says his leg is very itchy.
Our cat has fleas. Can we get them?
Apply this lotion to hair like shampoo. Make suds into a lather and leave it on for 2 minutes and then rinse.
A conversation between a patient and a doctor about lice
I heard that someone’s child was infected with lice at school, and the incident is said to be not unusual.
I assume that not a few people were surprised to learn that their children were infected with lice. In Hawaii, you often hear, in addition to lice, skin diseases such as scabies, impetigo and ringworm which are rarely heard in Japan. Lice and scabies are caused by parasites, impetigo by bacterium and ringworm by a kind of fungi (mold). All begin with itchiness of the skin, and skin symptoms get worse by scratching, which also contributes to spreading. While cleanness is the key to prevention, it is difficult to eradicate these diseases in schools and daycare centers where children come in contact with each other. You can buy drugs at pharmacies, but it is recommended to be seen by a pediatrician or dermatologist to make sure there are no other skin diseases.
お子さんが、虱 (Lice)をうつされて驚かれた方が少なくないでしょう。虱以外にも、疥癬 (Scabies、スケービー) 膿痂疹 (Impetigo、インペタイゴ) 白癬(Ringworm、リングワーム)等、日本ではあまり聞かれなくなった皮膚病をハワイではよく耳にします。虱、疥癬は奇生虫、膿痂疹は細菌、白癬はカビの一種によっておこりますが、いずれも頭髪、皮膚のかゆみで始まります。そして、かくことによって皮膚症状が、増悪し、また、拡がります。清潔にすることが第一の予防ですが、学校や保育園等、子供達がお互いに接触するところでは、根絶はむつかしい問題となっています。ドラッグ・ストアーでも薬を売っていますが、小児科、皮膚科で診てもらって、他の皮膚病がないか確認しておくことも大切です。
My two cents 一言おせっかい
Hawaiian islands are lands of ever-lasting summer. Bugs, too, must feel very comfortable to live here.
“Good night, sleep tight. Don’t let the bed bugs bite.”
Many of you, in or out of Hawaii, may remember your mom’s words.
Good night, sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite.